Title: Introducing Cockpit Date: 2014-02-13 12:46 Tags: technical Slug: introducing-cockpit Gave a [talk at DevConf][] in Brno about the project a bunch of us have been working on: [Cockpit][]. It's a UI for Linux Servers. Currently in the prototype stage... ![Cockpit login](images/cockpit1.png) Hopefully there'll be a video of the talk available soon. You can try out the Cockpit prototype in Fedora like so: :::text # yum install --enablerepo=updates-testing cockpit # setenforce 0 # issue 200 # systemctl enable cockpit-ws.socket $ xdg-open http://localhost:21064 **Don't run this on a system you care about (yet).** Sorry about the certificate warning. Groan ... I know ... working on that. Needless to say I'm excited about where this is going... [talk at DevConf]: http://thewalter.net/stef/misc/cockpit-devconf-2014-talk.pdf [Cockpit]: http://cockpit-project.org/