0.9.7 - Don't send lines that are too long to syslog [Ben Mesman] 0.9.6 - Fixed problem when filtering the last of a list of EHLO responses - Send NOOPs to the server when receiving data slowly from client to prevent timeouts on the server side. - Made the log line always keep the status, rather than dropping of the end in the case of many recipeints. 0.9.5 - Fixed problems with the select zeroing out timeouts. - Added support for setting the PidFile from the config file 0.9 - Don't quit when too many threads created - Restructured smtp passthru system so it can be used by other apps - Better IO and SMTP parsing - Changed default header to be similar to Amavis - Compiles and runs on systems without error checking mutexes - Ability to drop privileges and run as a different user [Rubio Vaughan] - Fixed config file bugs - Virus Actions. Run a script every time a virus is found. - By default don't use ClamAV sessions. This fixes several stability problems that were being experienced with clamd. 0.8 - clamsmtpd now uses a configuration file - Transparent proxy support [Andreas Steinmetz] - Compile option -Wall only enabled on debug builds - Sample script changed due to configuartion file - Fixed other minor bugs 0.7 - Added support for ESMTP [Andreas Steinmetz] - Fixed crash when too many connections established - Announce ourselves as 'clamsmtp' in EHLO/HELO responses which fixes 'loopback' problems with certain versions of Postfix 1.x - Better IO performance under heavy load - Fixed most warnings when compiled with -Wall - Fixed other minor bugs 0.6 - Proper adding of customized header [Berk D. Demir] - Fixes to documentation [Jasper Slits] 0.5 - Announce ourselves as 'clamsmtp' in banner to prevent loop warnings - Fixed endless loop that occurred on failure to connect out [João Carlos Mendes Luís] - Added option for leaving all files in temp directory (debugging purposes) - Prints version number when run with -v 0.4 - Option for quarantining files with viruses - Fixed problem with returning wrong SMTP error code - Handling timeouts properly - Fixed stupid problem with sockets not getting closed properly 0.3 - Small log format changes - When no port specified for out address, connect back to original IP - Bug fixes to address parsing and formatting code - Fixed problem with AV header not being added [Yamamoto Takao] - Send our own initial banner to prevent complaints about loops 0.2 - Initial public release - Sliently dropping viruses is the default - Limit to old SMTP (not ESMTP) - Added logging - Many bug fixes - Adds a header to email 0.1 - Initial implementation