#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "usuals.h" #include "sock_any.h" #include "clamsmtpd.h" #include "util.h" #define MAX_LOG_LINE 79 #define IO_UNKNOWN "??? " static void close_raw(int* fd) { ASSERT(fd); shutdown(*fd, SHUT_RDWR); close(*fd); *fd = -1; } static void log_io_data(clamsmtp_context_t* ctx, clio_t* io, const char* data, int read) { char buf[MAX_LOG_LINE + 1]; int pos, len; ASSERT(ctx && io && data); for(;;) { data += strspn(data, "\r\n"); if(!*data) break; pos = strcspn(data, "\r\n"); len = pos < MAX_LOG_LINE ? pos : MAX_LOG_LINE; memcpy(buf, data, len); buf[len] = 0; messagex(ctx, LOG_DEBUG, "%s%s%s", io->name ? io->name : IO_UNKNOWN, read ? " < " : " > ", buf); data += pos; } } void clio_init(clio_t* io, const char* name) { ASSERT(io && name); memset(io, 0, sizeof(*io)); io->name = name; io->fd = -1; } int clio_connect(clamsmtp_context_t* ctx, clio_t* io, struct sockaddr_any* sany, const char* addrname) { int ret = 0; ASSERT(ctx && io && sany && addrname); ASSERT(io->fd == -1); if((io->fd = socket(SANY_TYPE(*sany), SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) RETURN(-1); if(setsockopt(io->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &g_timeout, sizeof(g_timeout)) == -1 || setsockopt(io->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &g_timeout, sizeof(g_timeout)) == -1) messagex(ctx, LOG_WARNING, "couldn't set timeouts on connection"); if(connect(io->fd, &SANY_ADDR(*sany), SANY_LEN(*sany)) == -1) RETURN(-1); cleanup: if(ret < 0) { if(io->fd != -1) close(io->fd); message(ctx, LOG_ERR, "couldn't connect to: %s", addrname); return -1; } ASSERT(io->fd != -1); messagex(ctx, LOG_DEBUG, "%s connected to: %s", io->name ? io->name : IO_UNKNOWN, addrname); return 0; } void clio_disconnect(clamsmtp_context_t* ctx, clio_t* io) { ASSERT(ctx && io); if(clio_valid(io)) { close_raw(&(io->fd)); messagex(ctx, LOG_NOTICE, "%s connection closed", io->name ? io->name : IO_UNKNOWN); } } int clio_select(clamsmtp_context_t* ctx, clio_t** io) { fd_set mask; ASSERT(ctx && io); FD_ZERO(&mask); *io = NULL; /* First check if buffers have any data */ if(clio_valid(&(ctx->server))) { if(ctx->server.buflen > 0) { *io = &(ctx->server); return 0; } FD_SET(ctx->server.fd, &mask); } if(clio_valid(&(ctx->client))) { if(ctx->client.buflen > 0) { *io = &(ctx->client); return 0; } FD_SET(ctx->client.fd, &mask); } /* Select on the above */ switch(select(FD_SETSIZE, &mask, NULL, NULL, &g_timeout)) { case 0: messagex(ctx, LOG_ERR, "network operation timed out"); return -1; case -1: message(ctx, LOG_ERR, "couldn't select on sockets"); return -1; }; /* See what came in */ if(FD_ISSET(ctx->server.fd, &mask)) { *io = &(ctx->server); return 0; } if(FD_ISSET(ctx->client.fd, &mask)) { *io = &(ctx->client); return 0; } ASSERT(0 && "invalid result from select"); return -1; } int clio_read_line(clamsmtp_context_t* ctx, clio_t* io, int opts) { int l, x; char* t; unsigned char* p; ASSERT(ctx && io); if(!clio_valid(io)) { messagex(ctx, LOG_WARNING, "tried to read from a closed connection"); return 0; } ctx->line[0] = 0; t = ctx->line; l = LINE_LENGTH - 1; for(;;) { /* refil buffer if necessary */ if(io->buflen == 0) { ASSERT(io->fd != -1); io->buflen = read(io->fd, io->buf, sizeof(char) * BUF_LEN); if(io->buflen == -1) { io->buflen = 0; if(errno == EINTR) { /* When the application is quiting */ if(g_quit) return -1; /* For any other signal we go again */ continue; } /* * The basic logic here is that if we've had a fatal error * reading from the socket once then we shut it down as it's * no good trying to read from again later. */ close_raw(&(io->fd)); if(errno == EAGAIN) messagex(ctx, LOG_WARNING, "network read operation timed out"); else message(ctx, LOG_ERR, "couldn't read data from socket"); return -1; } } /* End of data */ if(io->buflen == 0) break; /* Check for a new line */ p = (unsigned char*)memchr(io->buf, '\n', io->buflen); if(p != NULL) { x = (p - io->buf) + 1; io->buflen -= x; } else { x = io->buflen; io->buflen = 0; } if(x > l) x = l; /* Copy from buffer line */ memcpy(t, io->buf, x); t += x; l -= x; /* Move whatever we have in the buffer to the front */ if(io->buflen > 0) memmove(io->buf, io->buf + x, io->buflen); /* Found a new line, done */ if(p != NULL) break; /* If discarding then don't break when full */ if(!(opts && CLIO_DISCARD) && l == 0) break; } ctx->linelen = (LINE_LENGTH - l) - 1; ASSERT(ctx->linelen < LINE_LENGTH); ctx->line[ctx->linelen] = 0; if(opts & CLIO_TRIM && ctx->linelen > 0) { t = ctx->line; while(*t && isspace(*t)) t++; /* Bump the entire line down */ l = t - ctx->line; memmove(ctx->line, t, (ctx->linelen + 1) - l); ctx->linelen -= l; /* Now the end */ t = ctx->line + ctx->linelen; while(t > ctx->line && isspace(*(t - 1))) { *(--t) = 0; ctx->linelen--; } } if(!(opts & CLIO_QUIET)) log_io_data(ctx, io, ctx->line, 1); return ctx->linelen; } int clio_write_data(clamsmtp_context_t* ctx, clio_t* io, const char* data) { int len = strlen(data); ASSERT(ctx && io && data); if(!clio_valid(io)) { message(ctx, LOG_ERR, "connection closed. can't write data."); return -1; } log_io_data(ctx, io, data, 0); return clio_write_data_raw(ctx, io, (unsigned char*)data, len); } int clio_write_data_raw(clamsmtp_context_t* ctx, clio_t* io, unsigned char* buf, int len) { int r; ASSERT(ctx && io && buf); if(io->fd == -1) return 0; while(len > 0) { r = write(io->fd, buf, len); if(r > 0) { buf += r; len -= r; } else if(r == -1) { if(errno == EINTR) { /* When the application is quiting */ if(g_quit) return -1; /* For any other signal we go again */ continue; } /* * The basic logic here is that if we've had a fatal error * writing to the socket once then we shut it down as it's * no good trying to write to it again later. */ close_raw(&(io->fd)); if(errno == EAGAIN) messagex(ctx, LOG_WARNING, "network write operation timed out"); else message(ctx, LOG_ERR, "couldn't write data to socket"); return -1; } } return 0; }