#!/bin/sh # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING # # By using variables passed in from clamsmtpd in file # manipulation commands without escaping their contents # you are opening yourself up to REMOTE COMPROMISE. You # have been warned. Do NOT do the following unless you # want to be screwed big time: # # mv $EMAIL "$SENDER.eml" # # An attacker can use the above command to compromise your # computer. The only variable that is guaranteed safe in # this regard is $EMAIL. # # The following script does not escape its variables # because it only uses them in safe ways. # # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # A sample script for virus actions. When testing make sure # everything can run as the clamav (or relevant) user. file="/path/to/virus.log" dir="/path/to/quarantine/" exec 1>>$file exec 2>>$file # Add some fun log lines to the log file echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo Sender $SENDER echo Recipients $RECIPIENTS echo Virus $VIRUS echo "-------------------------------------------------------" # Move the virus file to another directory # This only works if Quarantine is enabled if [ -n "$EMAIL" ]; then mv "$EMAIL" "$dir" fi