#====================================================================# # The release file for Sablotron # #====================================================================# Version 1.0.1 November 24, 2003 ----------------- - minor changes to configure (snprintf tested) - fixed a bug of wrong error line numbers in imported or included template - fixed a bug of count() function argument casting - misplaced xsl:import no more processed [reported by Bob Kline] - fixed a bug of crashing current() [reported by Alex Greg] - fixed a bug in DOM (inserting child nodes) - fixed a bug of pointers sized differently from boolean on 64-bit platforms Version 1.0 August 8, 2003 --------------- - two flags SAB_DUMP_SHEET_STRUCTURE (0x40) and SAB_NO_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES (0x80) added - nested xsl:attribute reported as error - > is always escaped to prevent problems with CDATA end - new configurable set of makefiles for Windows MSVC++ has been created to replace existing Makefile.nt file [by Rosimildo daSilva, patch by Bob Kline] - fixed a type comparison failing on arm, powerpc and s390 [reported by Debian maintainers] - fixed a bug of default NS in imported/included templates - fixed a segfault in keys defined on empty nodes [reported by Simon Spanihel] - minor changes to compile under QNX 6.2 [patch by Adrian Weiler] - fixed a bug of nested imports [reported by Dave Brooks] - fixed a bug of UTF-16 encoded files on Win [reported by Andrey Sokolov] - fixed a bug of defenition check in shandler.h for Borland compilers [reported by Vladimir Lukianov] - fixed a bug of crashing sorting on Windows - fixed a bug of crashing key() on RTF [reported by Valeriy Ovechkin] - solved the issue of too many files open with exsl:document - fixed a bug of casting of 64-bit pointers to (int) [patch by Steve Crockett] - fixed a bug absolute paths starting with a drive letter on Windows (unsupported scheme is reported) - fixed a bug of SDOM_DestroyDocument Version 0.98 April 7, 2003 ------------- - added stylesheet chaining to sabcmd [by Stefan Behnel] - changes in XML::Sablotron (new layout, added DOMHandler SXP interface) [by Nicolas Trebst and Anselm Kruis] - fixed a bug of variables bound for SXP queries - fixed a bug of the self axis (principal node type) - fix for Metrowerks C/C++ compiler [suggested by Tim Crook] - fixed a bug of forbidden XPath (child::xxx@yyy) - configuration fixes (APIDOC docs are built only when Perl/XML::Parser found) - fixed defaults for xsl:number - fixed a bug of required order of top-level variables - fixes in the outputting of NS declarations - fixes in the import precedence [report by Roy Huggins] - added a new config switch for sabcmd to abort on XSLT error (--enable-abort-on-error) - fixed a bug in namespace-alias - fixed segfault occurring when formating big numbers (>1e127) - fixed comparison of char to 0 for unsigned-char platforms Version 0.97 December 30, 2002 ----------------- - fixed the problem with Expat 1.95.5 - fixed a bug in xsl:message [report by Bob Kline] - fixed an infinite loop bug in recursive imports [report by Michael Vladimirov] - added SablotGetOptions() function - added a new option (SAB_FILES_TO_HANDLER) to pass the 'file' URIs to the scheme handler - fixed collisions with PHP/Java extension, Arena* renamed to SabArena [suggested by Christian Stocker] - mapping of namespaces added to xql() function (DOM) - chars illegal in output encoding displayed as references (for xml, html, xhtml output methods) - fixed resolution of relative URIs in document() - fixed a bug of not overridden imported parameters - documentation sources (APIDOC XML) added to distribution Version 0.96 September 5, 2002 ----------------- - XSLT debugger implemented (sabcmd --debugger) - API fixes for PHP extension - log() function added to write to Sablot's log from JS scripts - conflicts of top-level elements (variable, key, script) initializations resolved - fixed xslt_process buffer overflow - fixed a bug of duplicate NS qualified attributes - minor SXP bug fixes [using patches by Tim Crook] - fixed a bug of the 'mod' operator [report by Jork Behrends] - fixed a bug of sorting with multiple keys [report by Jork Behrends] - fixed a bug of comparison [report by Jork Behrends] - DOM: fixed a bug of the default XML namespace [report by Albert Micheev] - DOM: fixed a bug of PIs [report by Albert Micheev] - improved configuration [by Melvyn Sopacua] - fragment identifiers allowed in document() for custom schemes [report by Bob Kline] Version 0.95 June 24, 2002 ------------- - DOM support upgraded to DOM Level2 - xsl:strip-space and xsl:preserve-space implemented - XSLT on external documents (accessed via callbacks) - esxlt:document instruction implemented - unparsed-entity-uri() function implemented - added a manual page for sabcmd - added a batch mode (multiple sources/stylesheets) for sabcmd [by Stefan Behnel] - added a system property to display version - added a flag for document() to return an empty node-set when it refers to non-existing document - fixed a bug in relative paths to ext. entities - fixed a sorting bug on Solaris - fixed matching precedence for processing-instruction('lit') - fixed a bug in xsl:decimal-format/format-number() - fixed a bug in string() - comments excluded - fixed a bug of RTFs in xsl:attribute (comment, pi) - fixed a bug of generate-id for multiple documents - various minor fixes Version 0.90 March 8, 2002 ------------- - xsl:import implemented - fixed a bug in boolean expressions with nodesets [reported by John Holland] - current() implementation redesigned - variables not allowed in 'match' attributes of templates - fixed a bug in attribute value escaping [Christian Lefebvre] - fixed a bug in ext. entities base URI [Christian Lefebvre] - fixed a bug in sabcmd --base option [Christian Lefebvre] - span not indented with html method - processing-instruction() node test allows literal arguments - only top-level variables and params visible in xsl:attribute-set - fixed a bug in xsl:number - fixed a bug in master situation cleanup [patch proposed by Bill Hofmann and Bob Kline] - fixed a bug in error reports from included files - correct name of element, attribute and pi is checked Version 0.82 January 30, 2002 ---------------- - fixed the text output method (nothing but text nodes are outputted) - SCRIPT and STYLE escaped for xhtml - fixed a bug in escaping attributtes (src, href) - fixed a bug in aliasing doctype declaration - fixed bugs related to Sun CC compiler [Tim Crook, Greg Cope] - fixed a memory management bug [Tim Crook] Version 0.81 January 16, 2002 ---------------- - PUBLIC URLs in doctypes and ext. entities not parsed by default (SAB_PARSE_PUBLIC_ENTITIES situation option) - non-xsl elements allowed inside xsl:stylesheet - xsl attributes not outputted anymore - xsl:namespace-alias translates attributes as well - content of SCRIPT and STYLE not escaped for html/xhtml - Boolean attributes are abbreviated for html output method Version 0.80 January 8, 2002 --------------- - implemented extensions (JavaScript functions + DOM, extension-element-prefixes, xsl:fallback, function-available(), element-available()) - fixed a bux in the 'following' axis - fixed current() assertion fault - fixed "META tag placed outside HEAD" bug - fixed a bug in abbreviated [position] expression in template 'match' attribute - implemented lang () function - added 'namespace' attribute of xsl:element - implemented 'exclude-result-prefixes' - implemented xsl:attribute-set and 'use-attribute-sets' - added 'namespace' attribute of xsl:attribute - fixed translate() bug - key() now works with document() - fixed short stylesheet notation output bugs - added use-attribute-sets attribute to xsl:copy - minor bugs fixed Version 0.71 November 5, 2001 ---------------- - sum() bug fixed - fixed a Solaris problem with key() [report by Archie Russell] - SXP minor bugs fixed - implemented axes 'following' and 'preceding' - added an SXP callback for id() and a 'user data' pointer for some callbacks - fixed a namespace bug in SXP - improved error messages - fixed a bug in parsing external files [reported by Tim Crook] - fixed a bug of current() in inner context() [reported by Ian Davis] - fixed a bug of calling XSLT instructions inside xsl:text - fixed a SablorRunProcessorGen assertion bug - fixed a scheme handler bug [reported by Tim Crook] Version 0.70 September 17, 2001 ------------------ - added Sablotron XPath processor - implemented xsl:key and key() - implemented format-number() and xsl:decimal-format - implemented xsl:number - fixed namespace treatment in the DOM part - the string functions now work correctly with non-ASCII text [fix partly by Christian Lefebvre] - fixed a bug in the DOM interface - fixes for BeOS [Gabe Bauman] Version 0.65 August 15, 2001 --------------- - improved HTML indentation - fixed bug causing output of XML declaration when method='text' [reported by Jason Dumler] - parameter entities are always parsed - xml declaration ends with ?> using HTML method - > is escaped in HTML - fixed the RTF serialization [report by Christian Lefebvre] - fixed the non-ASCII character escaping in URIs - changed SDOM_xql so it uses namespace declarations on the document element - a few more minor bug fixes Version 0.60 June 13, 2001 ------------- - implemented a subset of DOM level 1 (see sdom.h) - added sdom.cpp and sdom.h to the project - new interface methods for Sablotron (preferred use) SablotRunProcessorGen, SablotAddArgTree, SablotAddArgBuffer SablotAddParam - added a simple support of - fixed a namespace node name bug [report by A. Nuzhdov] - added support for parametr entities [suggested by Peter Blum] - fixed a bug related to evaluation of arithmetic expressions [reported by Sam Brauer] - fixed a minor bug related to the xhtml output method Version 0.52 March 29, 2001 -------------- - added support for encoding conversions using iconv - all memory leaks occuring on processing errors are fixed [thanks for project support to Mitel Networks Corporation] - fixed the "duplicit attribute error" bug [Marc Lehmann] - fixed a bug in context evaluation [reported by Marco Guazzone] - fixed several bugs related to the hash table [Tom Moog] Version 0.51 ------------ - a maintenance release - fixed the quoting of quotes in HTML output [patch by Mark Bartel]. - fixes by Tim Crook for AIX - Sablot runs even without wcsxfrm() or wchar.h (although it doesn't sort) - the problem with the type of an iconv() call argument is fixed - added support for the xhtml output method [Marc Lehmann] - fixed bug causing elements being output as <:x> [Andreas Buschmann] - xsl:sort works if wcsxfrm() is not present (sorts naively though) Version 0.50 ------------ - added match predicate optimization - added proper character class handling [patch by Marc Lehmann] - fixed a bug in last() [reported by Dirk Siebnich] - fixed a problem with empty NS decls [reported by S. Tryggvason] - added SablotSetEncoding(). - fixed an error with xml:lang [reported by Nicolas Sauret] - fixed the 'divide by zero' MSVC warning [suggestion by Dirk Siebnich] - added support for xsl:sort - fixed an expression parsing error [report by Clayton Cottingham] - fixed a bug in current() [report by Daniel Hammond] - minor fix for RedHat 7 [David Hedbor] - fixed another bug in translate() - fixed a bug related to starts-with() [reported by Myoungki Kim] - fixed top-level elements check Version 0.44 ------------ - Fixed an elusive bug in HashTable causing occassional crashes - Added the namespace-alias() and message() functions [patch by Major] - More fixes related to: XML namespace declarations, nested stylesheet inclusion, Byte Order Mark in UTF-8 doc, "SYSTEM" in DOCTYPE declaration, the preceding-sibling and following-sibling axes, iconv. - Patch for OpenBSD [Anil Madhavapeddy]. Version 0.43 ------------ - Fundamental changes to improve performance. - Added Latin2 input support [thanks to Matt Sergeant] - Added Japanese encodings support [patch by Rui Hirokawa] - Fixed treatment of NaNs etc. [based on patch by Robin Houston] - Minor bug fixes. - Added platform.cpp for platform-dependent code. - Added code to generate the tag when using the html output method. Version 0.42 ------------ - Sablotron is now thread-safe [thanks to Leo Yu]. - Output recoding can be done if iconv is present [Sven Neumann]. - Match predicates work. - Several bug fixes [Robin Houston]. - Added: MiscHandler with documentInfo() SablotSetBaseForScheme() the current() function [Robin] -The actual error code is returned from SablotProcess etc. Version 0.41 ------------ - Sablotron now uses autoconf and works with an unmodified copy of expat. Its layout is a bit different. - Bug fix (reported by Kay Sievers). Version 0.4 ----------- - The license was changed to MPL+GPL. - Output conformance improved considerably (proper escaping etc.). - A SAX interface to the result document is available so one can bypass the construction to the result tree. - Some changes to the Sablotron interface. - Implemented , , . - External general entities work now. - Bug fixes (thanks for reports and/or patches to Hans Raaf, Florian Hars, , Mark W. Eichin and Robin Berjon). - Performance improvements. Version 0.36 ------------ - optimized string handling, resulting in a significant performance improvement - implemented Version 0.35 ------------ - fixed a bug concerning the descendant axis, reported by Les Woolsey - included the Solaris port (patch contributed by Steven Rowe) - added SablotSetLog() for setting the log file. Turned logging off by default. - added SablotRegMessageHandler() for setting a message handler. Using this, you can handle all error/warning/log messages the way you like. - if the xsl prefix is bound to an obsolete URI, a warning is issued - added SablotProcessStringsWithBase() which makes it possible to override the stylesheet's physical URI with a 'hard base URI' - added some command-line switches to sabcmd, e.g. --log-file and --measure Version 0.34 ------------ - bug fixes - major memory leak fixes Version 0.33 ------------ CVS: tag SABLOT_0_33 (tom, main trunk) - this release log started - first major release following Sablotron 0.3 - added URI processing with relative URI resolution - added support for the arg: scheme (named buffers) - added support for passing global parameters - introduced the SablotProcess() function as a general interface - sabcmd can pass named buffers as well as the global params - added a lot of core library functions