{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720 {\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2 Tahoma;}{\f3\fswiss\fprq2 Arial;}{\f4\fswiss\fprq2 System;}{\f5\fswiss\fprq2 Haettenschweiler;}{\f6\fmodern\fprq1 Courier New;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red11\green8\blue125;\red223\green223\blue223;\red0\green128\blue128;} #{\footnote Topic1} ${\footnote What Is Night Security?} K{\footnote WXPY Shutdown} \deflang1033\pard\plain\f5\fs44\cf2 \keepn \{bmc heading.bmp \} Night Security Help\plain\f2\fs18\cf0 \par\pard \plain\f2\fs18 \par To learn more about using help press F1 now. \par \par \plain\f3\fs28\b \{bmc nightsec.bmp \} What is Night Security? \par \pard\li425\plain\f2\fs18 Night Security is a program that sets up your entire shutdown for you without you having to do much. \par \par (For more information on why it's a good idea to have a shutdown see \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 {\uldb Why do I need a Secure Shutdown}{\v Topic2}) \par \plain\f2\fs18 \par The Night Security Checklist lets you select the different items you want it to do.\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 {\uldb Click here}{\v Topic4} \plain\f2\fs18 for more info on setting up your Checklist. \par \par Secure Shutdown 'does' the Security on your computer running all the different items you checked in your checklist. \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 {\uldb Click here}{\v Topic5} \plain\f2\fs18 for more info on running it. \par \pard\plain\f2\fs18 \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \par \plain\f3\fs24 \par \pard\par\plain\qc\cf1\fs22 This help file has been produced using \b helpMATIC Pro V1.22 Shareware\b0\par{\uldb http://members.aol.com/harbsg/}{\v *!ExecFile(http://members.aol.com/harbsg/)} \cf0\plain\par\pard\qc\cf1\fs18\par The above message will not appear in the registered version\cf0\plain\par\pard \pard\page #{\footnote Topic2} ${\footnote Why Do I Need a Secure Shutdown} \deflang1033\pard\plain\f5\fs44\cf2 \keepn \{bmc heading.bmp \} Why do I need a Secure Shutdown?\plain\f2\fs18\cf0 \par\pard \plain\f5\fs36\cf3 \par \plain\f2\fs18 As mentioned in the Charter: \tab \par \par \pard\li360\tx1134\tx2552\plain\lang1024\f6\fs18 [9.] C. Computer files (other than programs) must be kept encrypted, and be "wiped" after they have been erased. \par \pard\li851\tx1134\tx2552\plain\lang1024\f6\fs18 \par \pard\plain\f2\fs18 In other words you need to encrypt all your data and make sure that the unencrypted data isn't hanging around on your hard disk somewhere. This is possible in all sorts of ways, here's some of the most common: \par \par \pard\li567\fi-425\tx567\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \{bmct onestep.bmp\}\tab For starters if a file is in you Recycle Bin anyone can get it out until it's actually been emptied. The \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b Empty Recycle Bin\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 Item on the checklist can take care of this one. \par \tab ({\uldb more info}{\v Topic12}) \par \par \{bmct onestep.bmp\}\tab When files are deleted they aren't actually removed from your hard disk even if you empty your recycle bin. Just the name is removed from a sorta index. For this reason you need to make sure to wipe the free space on your hard disk every night. The \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b Wipe Free Space\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 Item in the checklist does this for you. \par \tab ({\uldb more info}{\v Topic15}) \par \par \{bmct onestep.bmp\}\tab A lot of programs create temporary files when they run. Most of the time they remove those files. But if something goes funny (your computer crashes etc\'85) those files can still be around. The \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b Empty Temp Folder \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 item on the checklist will clear those out for you. \par \tab ({\uldb more info}{\v Topic11}) \par \par \{bmct onestep.bmp\}\tab If you're on a Network, then data you view on your Intranet can still be on your computer in the 'Temporary Internet Files' Folder. The \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b Clear Temporary Internet Files\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 item can clear'm out. \par \tab ({\uldb more info}{\v Topic10}) \par \par \{bmct onestep.bmp\}\tab Windows uses a file called a swap file to provide memory to programs if there isn't enough. Don't worry about the details, but there can be unencrypted data hiding in that file. The \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b Delete Windows Swap File\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 item on the checklist will take care of that one. \par \tab ({\uldb more info}{\v Topic14}) \par \par \{bmct onestep.bmp\}\tab Sometimes if you've had a computer crash there can be data hiding out in little nooks and crannies of your computer called lost clusters. To make sure they're cleared up check off the \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b Check Hard Disk for Lost Clusters\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 item on the checklist. \par \tab ({\uldb more info}{\v Topic13}) \par \par \pard\plain\f2\fs18 The WXPY Shutdown does a great job of encrypting all your files and backing them up, but setting up a batch file system for wiping your hard drive outside of Windows and taking care of all the rest of the above weird stuff is a little complex. \par \par Now you don't have to worry about any of those specifics, just fill out your {\uldb checklist}{\v Topic4}.\plain\f3\fs24 \par \pard\par\plain\qc\cf1\fs22 This help file has been produced using \b helpMATIC Pro V1.22 Shareware\b0\par{\uldb http://members.aol.com/harbsg/}{\v *!ExecFile(http://members.aol.com/harbsg/)} \cf0\plain\par\pard\qc\cf1\fs18\par The above message will not appear in the registered version\cf0\plain\par\pard \pard\page #{\footnote Topic3} ${\footnote Troubleshooting} K{\footnote Read Only Files;Troubleshooting; WXPY; Windows NT;} A{\footnote Troubleshooting} \deflang1033\pard\plain\f5\fs44\cf2 \keepn \{bmc heading.bmp \} Troubleshooting\plain\f2\fs18\cf0 \par\pard \plain\f3\fs24\b \par \plain\lang1024\f3\fs28\b \{bmct open.bmp\}\plain\f3\fs24\b Hey, the Checklist is empty \par \par \plain\f2\fs18 In most cases uninstalling the program and reinstalling it will fix this problem. Here's how: \par \par \pard\li567\fi-425\tx567\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 1\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab Choose 'Add/Remove Programs' from the Control Panel. {\uldb \{bmct shortcut.bmp\}}{\v !ControlPanel(appwiz.cpl)} \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 2\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab From the list of programs choose 'Night Security 2.0,' and click the 'Add/Remove\'85' button. \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 3\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab After it's done reboot and then run the Setup program on the Night Security Install Disk \par \par \par \par \pard\plain\lang1024\f3\fs28\b \{bmct open.bmp\}\plain\f3\fs24 \plain\f3\fs24\b It keeps stopping while encrypting my files \par \plain\f2\fs18 \par Menu Extension won't encrypt files that are read only, and stops to tell you about it. Here's how to change a file so it's not read only. \par \par \pard\li567\fi-425\tx567\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 1\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab Note the name of the file that it stops on, and find that same file in Explorer. \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 2\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab Right click on the file and select 'Properties' from the menu that pops up. \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 3\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab Make sure the 'Read Only' check box isn't checked. \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 4\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab Click 'OK' to save your changes \par \pard\plain\f2\fs18 \par One other thing to keep in mind is that you have any files open, it'll also stop on them. Make sure to close all your programs before starting your Secure Shutdown. \par \par \par \par \plain\lang1024\f3\fs28\b \{bmct open.bmp\}\plain\f3\fs24 \plain\f3\fs24\b Man, this sure takes a long time to wipe \par \plain\f2\fs18 \par Check how much free space you have on your hard disk. If there's lots over 500 MB or so you may want to copy some ballast over to fill it up. These files would only be temporarily on your hard disk, so when you need the space you can remove them. \par \par You could try copying some folders from the HomeARC. \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b \par \par \par \plain\lang1024\f3\fs28\b \{bmct open.bmp\}\plain\f3\fs24 \plain\f3\fs24\b It's telling me it can't find WXPY \par \plain\f2\fs18 \par T\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 ry Reinstalling Menu Extension. \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b \par \plain\f3\fs24 \par \pard\li567\fi-425\tx567\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 1\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab Choose 'Add/Remove Programs' from the Control Panel. {\uldb \{bmct shortcut.bmp\}}{\v !ControlPanel(appwiz.cpl)} \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 2\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab From the list of programs choose 'Menu Extension,' and click the 'Add/Remove\'85' button. \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 3\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab After it's done reboot. \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 4\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab Insert the HomeARC Setup CD and select 'Menu Extension' setup from the window that pops up. \par \pard\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b \par \par \par \plain\lang1024\f3\fs28\b \{bmct open.bmp\}\plain\f3\fs24 \plain\f3\fs24\b I just installed Menu Extension, but I get a big white dialog box whenever I try to XPY something or do my Secure Shutdown \par \plain\f2\fs18 \par This can happen, if you haven't installed the HomeARC but are trying to use Menu Extension. (If you're using Windows NT see the next question) \par \par The simplest solution is just to install the HomeARC and after you reboot everything should work fine. If for some reason you can't do that, or it doesn't work, try the following.\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b \par \plain\f3\fs24 \par \pard\li567\fi-425\tx567\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 1\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab Copy the file 'memctrl.com' from your HomeARC 98 Setup CD to the root folder on your hard disk (ie: C:\\). You'll find this file in the '\\Win95\\Util' folder on the CD. \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 2\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab Open your 'autoexec.bat' file using notepad. {\uldb \{bmct shortcut.bmp\}}{\v !ExecFile(notepad.exe,c:\\autoexec.bat)} \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 3\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab Add the following line to the bottom of the file: \par \par \tab \plain\lang1024\f6\fs18 C:\\MEMCTRL.COM /i\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \par \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 4\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab Save the file and reboot your computer. \par \pard\plain\f3\fs24 \par \par \par \plain\lang1024\f3\fs28\b \{bmct open.bmp\}\plain\f3\fs24 \plain\f3\fs24\b Can I run Night Security on Windows NT? \par \plain\f2\fs18 \par Y\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 es, Night Security is completely compatible with Windows NT 4.0 and higher. \par \par Some of the DOS options, like 'Delete Swap File' won't run because you just can't do that on Windows NT. The remainder of the DOS Options that work run in a DOS Window, since you can't exit to DOS under Windows NT. \par \par On the other hand the current version of Menu Extension, which Night Security uses for it's encryption, is not compatible. So you have to do your own encryption before starting the Secure Shutdown. \par \plain\f3\fs24 \par \pard\li567\fi-425\tx567\plain\f3\fs24 \par \pard\par\plain\qc\cf1\fs22 This help file has been produced using \b helpMATIC Pro V1.22 Shareware\b0\par{\uldb http://members.aol.com/harbsg/}{\v *!ExecFile(http://members.aol.com/harbsg/)} \cf0\plain\par\pard\qc\cf1\fs18\par The above message will not appear in the registered version\cf0\plain\par\pard \pard\page #{\footnote Topic4} ${\footnote Your Night Security Checklist} K{\footnote Menu Extension;WXPY;Night Security Checklist} \deflang1024\pard\plain\lang1033\f5\fs44\cf2 \keepn \{bmc heading.bmp \} Your Night Security Checklist\plain\lang1033\f2\fs18\cf0 \par\pard \plain\lang1033\f5\fs36\cf3 \par \plain\lang1033\f2\fs18 Here's how to fill out your checklist. The following only needs to be done once. Since Night Security uses the program 'Menu Extension' that comes with the HomeARC to encrypt your files, you'll need to have that installed. See the {\uldb Troubleshooting}{\v Topic3} page for info on how to install it. \par \par \plain\f3\fs28\b \{bmct open.bmp\} \plain\lang1033\f3\fs28\b Setting up Menu Extension \par \plain\lang1033\f2\fs18 First you have to tell Menu Extension which files you want to encrypt: \par \par \pard\li567\fi-425\tx567\plain\f2\fs18\b 1\plain\f2\fs18 \tab Choose 'Programs | Heavenly Helpers | Menu Extension' from the Start Menu. {\uldb \{bmct shortcut.bmp\}}{\v !ExecFile(menuext.exe)} \par \plain\f2\fs18\b 2\plain\f2\fs18 \tab Click the 'WXPY Options' button, and in the box that pops up click the 'Shutdown XPY' tab. \par \plain\f2\fs18\b 3\plain\f2\fs18 \tab By clicking the 'Browse' button you can select the folders you want to encrypt. \par \plain\f2\fs18\b 4\plain\f2\fs18 \tab Click 'OK' in all the boxes after you're done. \par \par \pard\plain\f3\fs28\b \{bmct open.bmp\} \plain\lang1033\f3\fs28\b Filling out the Checklist \par \plain\lang1033\f2\fs18 Now it's time to fill out your Night Security Checklist and tell it what exactly you want it to do. For more info on the different options see 'Why do I need a Secure Shutdown.' \par \par \pard\li567\fi-425\tx567\plain\f2\fs18\b 1\plain\f2\fs18 \tab Choose 'Programs | Night Security | Night Security Checklist' from the Start Menu. {\uldb \{bmct shortcut.bmp\}}{\v !ExecFile(secsetup.exe)} \par \plain\f2\fs18\b 2\plain\f2\fs18 \tab Click the 'Next' button and you'll be presented with a list of all the different things that Night Security can do while still in Windows before actually shutting down your computer. Normally you'd select all of them. \par \plain\f2\fs18\b 3\plain\f2\fs18 \tab After you're done there click the 'Next' button to go to the list of things that happen after exiting Windows. As above normally you'd select all these options. The Wipe Free Space option is especially important. \par \plain\f2\fs18\b 4\plain\f2\fs18 \tab Click the 'Finish' button to save your choices. \par \par \pard\plain\lang1033\f3\fs24 \par \plain\lang1033\f2\fs18\cf0 \par \{button , ALink(Items)\} \plain\lang1033\f2\fs18\cf0\b Checklist Items\plain\f0\fs20 \par \plain\lang1033\f3\fs24 \par \pard\par\plain\qc\cf1\fs22 This help file has been produced using \b helpMATIC Pro V1.22 Shareware\b0\par{\uldb http://members.aol.com/harbsg/}{\v *!ExecFile(http://members.aol.com/harbsg/)} \cf0\plain\par\pard\qc\cf1\fs18\par The above message will not appear in the registered version\cf0\plain\par\pard \pard\page #{\footnote Topic5} ${\footnote Using the Secure Shutdown} K{\footnote Secure Shutdown} \deflang1033\pard\plain\f5\fs44\cf2 \keepn \{bmc heading.bmp \} Using the Secure Shutdown\plain\f2\fs20\cf2 \par (ie: 'doing security')\plain\f2\fs18\cf0 \par\pard \plain\f5\fs36\cf3 \par \plain\f2\fs18 Here's how you'll use the Secure Shutdown every night. Depending on your computer this could take between 5 and 20 minutes. \par \plain\lang1024\f3\fs28\b \par \{bmct open.bmp\}\plain\f3\fs28\b Doing Security \par \plain\f2\fs18 \par \pard\li567\fi-567\tx567\plain\f2\fs18\b 1\plain\f2\fs18 \tab Make sure all your programs are closed. \par \plain\f2\fs18\b 2\plain\f2\fs18 \tab Choose 'Secure Shutdown' from the top of your Start Menu. \par \plain\f2\fs18\b 3\plain\f2\fs18 \tab If prompted enter your password twice. \par \par \par \pard\plain\f2\fs18 Secure Shutdown will appear in the top left corner of your screen and a bunch of other boxes and progress bars will show up as it's doing it's work. After a while it'll shutdown Windows and run some different programs. By and by it should wipe your hard disk. \par \par Don't actually turn off your computer till you see the 'It's now safe to turn off your computer' message. \par \pard\li425\plain\f2\fs18 \par \par \pard\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b \{button , JumpContext(1000)\} Problems? \par \plain\f0\fs20 \par \pard\par\plain\qc\cf1\fs22 This help file has been produced using \b helpMATIC Pro V1.22 Shareware\b0\par{\uldb http://members.aol.com/harbsg/}{\v *!ExecFile(http://members.aol.com/harbsg/)} \cf0\plain\par\pard\qc\cf1\fs18\par The above message will not appear in the registered version\cf0\plain\par\pard \pard\page #{\footnote Topic6} ${\footnote Advanced Wizard} K{\footnote Advanced Wizard} \deflang1033\pard\plain\f5\fs44\cf2 \keepn \{bmc heading.bmp \} The Advanced Wizard\plain\f2\fs18\cf0 \par\pard \par The Advanced Wizard lets you tweak all the settings to your heart's content. \par \par You can also drag the different items options to change their order in the shutdown. However remember that it's almost always best to have the 'Wipe Free Space' item last. \par \par \par \{button , ALink(Items)\} \plain\f2\fs18\cf0\b Checklist Items\plain\f3\fs24 \par \pard\par\plain\qc\cf1\fs22 This help file has been produced using \b helpMATIC Pro V1.22 Shareware\b0\par{\uldb http://members.aol.com/harbsg/}{\v *!ExecFile(http://members.aol.com/harbsg/)} \cf0\plain\par\pard\qc\cf1\fs18\par The above message will not appear in the registered version\cf0\plain\par\pard \pard\page #{\footnote Topic7} ${\footnote WXPY Shutdown} K{\footnote Checklist Items: Windows, WXPY Shutdown; WXPY} A{\footnote Items} +{\footnote items:010} \deflang1033\pard\plain\f5\fs44\cf2 \keepn \{bmc heading.bmp \} WXPY Shutdown\plain\f2\fs18\cf0 \par\pard \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\cf0 This item encrypts your data and optionally backs it up. Night Security uses the Menu Extension program from the HomeARC for it's encryption and backup. \par \plain\lang1024\f3\fs28\b \par \{bmct open.bmp\} \plain\f3\fs28\b Setting up your WXPY Shutdown \par \plain\f2\fs18 \par First you have to tell Menu Extension which files you want to encrypt: \par \par \pard\li567\fi-425\tx567\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 1\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab Choose 'Programs | Heavenly Helpers | Menu Extension' from the Start Menu. {\uldb \{bmct shortcut.bmp\}}{\v !ExecFile(menuext.exe)} \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 2\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab Click the 'WXPY Options' button, and in the box that pops up click the 'Shutdown XPY' tab. \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 3\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab By clicking the 'Browse' button you can select the folders you want to encrypt. \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\b 4\plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 \tab Click 'OK' in all the boxes after you're done. \par \tab \tab \par \par \pard\li425\fi-425\tx567\plain\lang1024\f3\fs28\b \{bmct open.bmp\} \plain\f3\fs28\b Advanced Properties \par \plain\f2\fs18\cf0\b \par Disable Password\plain\f2\fs18\cf0 \par \tab Use this option to remove your password from memory after the encrypting is finished. If you don't turn off your computer and you password is still in memory other's can open your files, so it's a good idea to keep this set. \par \par \pard\plain\f2\fs18\cf0 \par \par \{button , ALink(Items)\} \plain\f2\fs18\cf0\b Other Checklist Items\plain\lang1024\f0\fs20 \par \pard\li425\fi-425\tx567\plain\f3\fs28\b \par \pard\par\plain\qc\cf1\fs22 This help file has been produced using \b helpMATIC Pro V1.22 Shareware\b0\par{\uldb http://members.aol.com/harbsg/}{\v *!ExecFile(http://members.aol.com/harbsg/)} \cf0\plain\par\pard\qc\cf1\fs18\par The above message will not appear in the registered version\cf0\plain\par\pard \pard\page #{\footnote Topic8} ${\footnote DOS Options} K{\footnote Checklist Items: MS-DOS Mode, } \deflang1033\pard\plain\f5\fs44\cf2 \keepn \{bmc heading.bmp \} DOS Options\plain\f2\fs18\cf0 \par\pard \par The different items you select in the DOS Section of your checklist all get run after exiting Windows. These include things such as wiping the free space on your hard disk and other clean up tasks that can't (or shouldn't be) run in Windows. \par \par Remember that it's almost always best to have the 'Wipe Free Space' item enabled. That's the whole reason you do your shutdown. \par \par (See: {\uldb Why do I need a Secure Shutdown}{\v Topic2} for more info) \par \par \par \{button , ALink(Items)\} \plain\f2\fs18\cf0\b Checklist Items\plain\f3\fs24 \par \pard\par\plain\qc\cf1\fs22 This help file has been produced using \b helpMATIC Pro V1.22 Shareware\b0\par{\uldb http://members.aol.com/harbsg/}{\v *!ExecFile(http://members.aol.com/harbsg/)} \cf0\plain\par\pard\qc\cf1\fs18\par The above message will not appear in the registered version\cf0\plain\par\pard \pard\page #{\footnote Topic9} ${\footnote Windows Options} K{\footnote Checklist Items: Windows} \deflang1033\pard\plain\f5\fs44\cf2 \keepn \{bmc heading.bmp \} Windows Options\plain\f2\fs18\cf0 \par\pard \par The different items you select in the Windows Section of your checklist all get run before actually exiting Windows. These include things such as encrypting your data, or emptying your Recycle Bin. \par \par Night Security uses 'Menu Extension' for it's encryption. {\uldb Here's}{\v Topic4} how to set that up. \par \par \par \{button , ALink(Items)\} \plain\f2\fs18\cf0\b Checklist Items\plain\f3\fs24 \par \pard\par\plain\qc\cf1\fs22 This help file has been produced using \b helpMATIC Pro V1.22 Shareware\b0\par{\uldb http://members.aol.com/harbsg/}{\v *!ExecFile(http://members.aol.com/harbsg/)} \cf0\plain\par\pard\qc\cf1\fs18\par The above message will not appear in the registered version\cf0\plain\par\pard \pard\page #{\footnote Topic10} ${\footnote Clear Temporary Internet Files} K{\footnote Checklist Items: Windows, Clear Temporary Internet Files} A{\footnote Items} +{\footnote items:040} \deflang1033\pard\plain\f5\fs44\cf2 \keepn \{bmc heading.bmp \} Clear Temporary Internet Files\plain\f2\fs18\cf0 \par\pard \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18\cf0 Stored in your Temporary Internet Files folder is a cache of everything you browse in your web browser. If you're on a Network and use an Intranet, this item can be used to clear out any sensitive data you view. \par \par Also since your Temporary Internet Files folder can baloon in size this could also be used to help keep it trim. \par \par By default this item clears out all your Temporary Internet Files, however using the Advanced Properties you can specify which files to clear. \par \par (Note that this item might not be installed. If it doesn't appear in the list, rerun the Night Security Setup and make sure to choose 'Network Components.') \par \plain\lang1024\f3\fs28\b \par \{bmct open.bmp\} \plain\f3\fs28\b Advanced Properties \par \plain\f2\fs18 \par All the files in the Temporary Internet Files come from one server or another. In the Advanced Properties you can specify which servers' files you want to clear. This can be useful if you only want to clear sensitive information in the cache from one or two servers. \par \par \{bmc ins.bmp \}\tab \par \pard\li360\plain\f2\fs18 Adds as server to the list. \par \pard\plain\f2\fs18 \par \{bmc del.bmp \} \par \pard\li360\plain\f2\fs18 Removes a server or servers from the list. \par \pard\plain\f2\fs18 \par \plain\f2\fs18\b Clear All\plain\f2\fs18 \par \pard\li360\plain\f2\fs18 Override the list of servers and clear everything (the default) \par \pard\plain\f2\fs18 \par \plain\f2\fs18\b Cookies \par \pard\li360\plain\f2\fs18 This option clears cookies as well as other files from the cache. Usually you won't want to do this. \par \pard\li567\fi-425\tx567\plain\f2\fs18 \par \pard\li425\fi-425\tx567\plain\f3\fs28\b \par \pard\plain\f2\fs18\cf0 \par \par \{button , ALink(Items)\} \plain\f2\fs18\cf0\b Other Checklist Items\plain\lang1024\f0\fs20 \par \pard\li425\fi-425\tx567\plain\f3\fs28\b \par \pard\par\plain\qc\cf1\fs22 This help file has been produced using \b helpMATIC Pro V1.22 Shareware\b0\par{\uldb http://members.aol.com/harbsg/}{\v *!ExecFile(http://members.aol.com/harbsg/)} \cf0\plain\par\pard\qc\cf1\fs18\par The above message will not appear in the registered version\cf0\plain\par\pard \pard\page #{\footnote Topic11} ${\footnote Empty Temp Folder} K{\footnote Checklist Items: Windows, Empty Temp Folder} A{\footnote Items} +{\footnote items:030} \deflang1024\pard\plain\lang1033\f5\fs44\cf2 \keepn \{bmc heading.bmp \} Empty Temp Folder\plain\lang1033\f2\fs18\cf0 \par\pard \par \plain\f2\fs18\cf0 This item clears the folder where your temporary files are stored. \par \par \plain\f2\fs18 A lot of programs create temporary files when they run. Most of the time they remove those files. But if something goes funny (your computer crashes etc\'85) those files can still be around. \plain\f2\fs18\cf0 \par \par Usually this folder is located 'C:\\Windows\\Temp.' \par \par \plain\lang1033\f2\fs18\cf0 \par \par \{button , ALink(Items)\} \plain\lang1033\f2\fs18\cf0\b Other Checklist Items\plain\f0\fs20 \par \plain\lang1033\f3\fs24 \par \pard\par\plain\qc\cf1\fs22 This help file has been produced using \b helpMATIC Pro V1.22 Shareware\b0\par{\uldb http://members.aol.com/harbsg/}{\v *!ExecFile(http://members.aol.com/harbsg/)} \cf0\plain\par\pard\qc\cf1\fs18\par The above message will not appear in the registered version\cf0\plain\par\pard \pard\page #{\footnote Topic12} ${\footnote Empty Recycle Bin} K{\footnote Checklist Items: Windows, Empty Recycle Bin} A{\footnote Items} +{\footnote items:020} \deflang1024\pard\plain\lang1033\f5\fs44\cf2 \keepn \{bmc heading.bmp \} Empty Recycle Bin\plain\lang1033\f2\fs18\cf0 \par\pard \par \plain\f2\fs18\cf0 Any files in your Recycle Bin can be easily recovered. It makes sense to clear it before wiping. \par \par However some people like to take out the trash themselves. Feel free to disable this one if you're one of those. \par \plain\f3\fs28\b \par \plain\f0\fs20 \par \plain\lang1033\f2\fs18\cf0 \{button , ALink(Items)\} \plain\lang1033\f2\fs18\cf0\b Other Checklist Items\plain\f0\fs20 \par \par \pard\par\plain\qc\cf1\fs22 This help file has been produced using \b helpMATIC Pro V1.22 Shareware\b0\par{\uldb http://members.aol.com/harbsg/}{\v *!ExecFile(http://members.aol.com/harbsg/)} \cf0\plain\par\pard\qc\cf1\fs18\par The above message will not appear in the registered version\cf0\plain\par\pard \pard\page #{\footnote Topic13} ${\footnote Check Hard Disk for Lost Clusters} K{\footnote Checklist Items: MS-DOS Mode, Check Hard Disk for Lost Clusters} A{\footnote Items} +{\footnote items:050} \deflang1033\pard\plain\f5\fs44\cf2 \keepn \{bmc heading.bmp \} Check Hard Disk for Lost Clusters\plain\f2\fs18\cf0 \par\pard \par \plain\lang1024\f2\fs18 Sometimes if you've had a computer crash there can be data hiding out in little nooks and crannies of your computer called lost clusters. These are locations on the hard disk that are marked as used, but aren't linked up to any files. \par \par Because there can be sensitive data in them, and the Wipe Free Space item can't get to them, it's good to do this check. \par \plain\lang1024\f3\fs28\b \par \{bmct open.bmp\} \plain\f3\fs28\b Advanced Properties \par \plain\f2\fs18 \par \plain\f2\fs18\b Automatially Fix Errors\plain\f2\fs18 \par \pard\li360\plain\f2\fs18 When this option is checked Scandisk will run automatically without any intervention from you. (the default) \par \pard\plain\f2\fs18 \par \plain\f2\fs18\b Delete Lost Clusters \par \pard\li360\plain\f2\fs18 This option will remove any lost clusters and make the space available for Wipe Free Space to do it's clean up work. This is definitely recommended over the next option. \par \pard\plain\f2\fs18 \par \plain\f2\fs18\b Save Lost Clusters as Files \par \pard\li360\plain\f2\fs18 This option will save the lost data instead of deleting it. It'll put it in files called 'file0001.chk' in the root folder of your hard disk. \par \pard\li567\fi-425\tx567\plain\f2\fs18 \par \pard\li425\fi-425\tx567\plain\f3\fs28\b \par \pard\plain\f2\fs18\cf0 \par \{button , ALink(Items)\} \plain\f2\fs18\cf0\b Other Checklist Items\plain\lang1024\f0\fs20 \par \pard\par\plain\qc\cf1\fs22 This help file has been produced using \b helpMATIC Pro V1.22 Shareware\b0\par{\uldb http://members.aol.com/harbsg/}{\v *!ExecFile(http://members.aol.com/harbsg/)} \cf0\plain\par\pard\qc\cf1\fs18\par The above message will not appear in the registered version\cf0\plain\par\pard \pard\page #{\footnote Topic14} ${\footnote Delete Swap File} K{\footnote Checklist Items: MS-DOS Mode, Delete Swap File} A{\footnote Items} +{\footnote items:060} \deflang1024\pard\plain\lang1033\f5\fs44\cf2 \keepn \{bmc heading.bmp \} Delete Swap File\plain\lang1033\f2\fs18\cf0 \par\pard \par \plain\f2\fs18 Windows uses a file called a swap file to provide memory to programs if there isn't enough. Don't worry about the details, but there can be unencrypted data hiding in that file. \par \par It's good to leave this option enabled and remove this file before wiping. \par \par Windows will make a new file when it boots the next time, so don't worry about this messing things up\plain\f2\fs18\cf0 . \par \plain\f3\fs28\b \par \pard\li425\fi-425\tx567\plain\lang1033\f3\fs28\b \par \pard\plain\lang1033\f2\fs18\cf0 \{button , ALink(Items)\} \plain\lang1033\f2\fs18\cf0\b Other Checklist Items\plain\f0\fs20 \par \par \pard\par\plain\qc\cf1\fs22 This help file has been produced using \b helpMATIC Pro V1.22 Shareware\b0\par{\uldb http://members.aol.com/harbsg/}{\v *!ExecFile(http://members.aol.com/harbsg/)} \cf0\plain\par\pard\qc\cf1\fs18\par The above message will not appear in the registered version\cf0\plain\par\pard \pard\page #{\footnote Topic15} ${\footnote Wipe Free Space} K{\footnote Checklist Items: MS-DOS Mode, Wipe Free Space} A{\footnote Items} +{\footnote items:070} \deflang1024\pard\plain\lang1033\f5\fs44\cf2 \keepn \{bmc heading.bmp \} Wipe Free Space\plain\lang1033\f2\fs18\cf0 \par\pard \par \plain\f2\fs18 Everytime a file is deleted it isn't actually removed from your hard disk even if you empty your Recycle Bin. Just the name is removed from a sorta index. For this reason you need to make sure to wipe the free space on your hard disk every night. \par \par \plain\f2\fs18\cf0 Also note that a lot of the other items on the checklist delete files (which aren't properly removed), so it makes sense to leave this item as the last one on the list. \par \par Depending on the size of your hard disk, the speed of your computer, and how hard you stare at the monitor (just kidding) this can take anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes. \par \plain\f3\fs28\b \par \{bmct open.bmp\} \plain\lang1033\f3\fs28\b Advanced Properties \par \plain\lang1033\f2\fs18 \par \pard\li360\plain\lang1033\f2\fs18 Normally this item wipes all the drives on your computer. If you have more than one and some of them really don't need to be wiped (ie: have no sensitive data on them) then you can deselect them. You should always wipe the hard disk you have Windows on, though (usually that's C:). \par \pard\li425\fi-425\tx567\plain\lang1033\f3\fs28\b \par \par \pard\plain\lang1033\f2\fs18\cf0 \{button , ALink(Items)\} \plain\lang1033\f2\fs18\cf0\b Other Checklist Items\plain\f0\fs20 \par \pard\li425\fi-425\tx567\plain\lang1033\f3\fs28\b \par \pard\par\plain\qc\cf1\fs22 This help file has been produced using \b helpMATIC Pro V1.22 Shareware\b0\par{\uldb http://members.aol.com/harbsg/}{\v *!ExecFile(http://members.aol.com/harbsg/)} \cf0\plain\par\pard\qc\cf1\fs18\par The above message will not appear in the registered version\cf0\plain\par\pard \pard\page }