// NSCmpts.idl : IDL source for NSCmpts.dll // // This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to // produce the type library (NSCmpts.tlb) and marshalling code. import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl"; import "../interfaces/cmptifaces.idl"; [ uuid(34F11693-F275-11d2-A589-0020182B97FC), version(2.5), helpstring("NightSec Components 2.5") ] library NightSecCmpts { importlib("stdole32.tlb"); [ uuid(34F11694-F275-11d2-A589-0020182B97FC), helpstring("Empties the recycle bin and Norton Protected Files") ] coclass EmptyRecycleBin { interface ISecureShutdownWin; }; [ uuid(34F11695-F275-11d2-A589-0020182B97FC), helpstring("Clears the temp folder") ] coclass EmptyTempFolder { interface ISecureShutdownWin; }; [ uuid(34F11696-F275-11d2-A589-0020182B97FC), helpstring("Delete swap file command") ] coclass DeleteSwapFile { interface ISecureShutdownDOS; }; [ uuid(34F11697-F275-11d2-A589-0020182B97FC), helpstring("Command for running scandisk") ] coclass RunScanDisk { interface ISecureShutdownDOS; }; [ uuid(34F11698-F275-11d2-A589-0020182B97FC), helpstring("Command for Wiping free space on hard disk(s)") ] coclass WipefreeSpace { interface ISecureShutdownDOS; }; [ uuid(2E47D920-3D64-11D3-BF0A-0020182B97FC), helpstring("Backs up the users files") ] coclass Backup { [default] interface ISecureShutdownWin; }; [ uuid(E85A26C1-946D-11D3-BFC4-0020182B97FC), helpstring("BackupSourceProp Class") ] coclass BackupSourceProp { interface IUnknown; }; [ uuid(E85A26C2-946D-11D3-BFC4-0020182B97FC), helpstring("BackupDestProp Class") ] coclass BackupDestProp { interface IUnknown; }; [ uuid(E85A26C3-946D-11D3-BFC4-0020182B97FC), helpstring("BackupAdvancedProp Class") ] coclass BackupAdvancedProp { interface IUnknown; }; [ uuid(22AD5F42-A7F1-11D3-82E3-0020182B97FC), helpstring("Encrypts the user's files") ] coclass Encrypt { [default] interface ISecureShutdownWin; }; [ uuid(B4981E50-A882-11D3-82E4-0020182B97FC), helpstring("EncryptSourceProp Class") ] coclass EncryptSourceProp { interface IUnknown; }; [ uuid(93425F13-BC15-11D3-82FF-005056D45AB0), helpstring("EncryptAdvancedProp Class") ] coclass EncryptAdvancedProp { interface IUnknown; }; };