;/* ; * AUTHOR ; * N. Nielsen ; * ; * VERSION ; * 2.2.0b ; * ; * LICENSE ; * This software is in the public domain. ; * ; * The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, ; * express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties ; * of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and ; * noninfringement. In no event shall the author(s) be liable for any ; * claim, damages, or other liability, whether in an action of ; * contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of, or in connection ; * with the software or the use or other dealings in the software. ; * ; * SUPPORT ; * Send bug reports to: ; */ ; ;#ifndef _RLIBERR_H_ ;#define _RLIBERR_H_ ; ;#ifndef _WINERROR_ ; #error Include winerror.h first. ;#endif ; ;#define HRESULT_FROM_RLIB(code) \ ; MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_RLIB, abs(code)) ; SeverityNames=( Success=0x0 Error=0x2 ) MessageIdTypedef=HRESULT FacilityNames=( System=0FF Rlib=406:FACILITY_RLIB ) ;/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *\ ; Rlib Errors ;\* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ MessageId=1 Severity=Error Facility=Rlib SymbolicName=RLIB_E_NOMEM Language=English Out of Memory. . MessageId=2 Severity=Error Facility=Rlib SymbolicName=RLIB_E_SYNTAX Language=English Rep script syntax error. . MessageId=3 Severity=Error Facility=Rlib SymbolicName=RLIB_E_REGEXP Language=English Regular expression syntax error. . MessageId=4 Severity=Error Facility=Rlib SymbolicName=RLIB_E_LOOP Language=English Rep encountered an endless loop. . MessageId=5 Severity=Error Facility=Rlib SymbolicName=RLIB_E_USER Language=English User defined error. . MessageId=6 Severity=Error Facility=Rlib SymbolicName=RLIB_E_IOERR Language=English There was an error reading or writing the data. . MessageId=10 Severity=Error Facility=Rlib SymbolicName=RLIB_E_INVARG Language=English Programmer Error: Invalid argument. . ;#endif // _RLIBERR_H_