From fc9ee15902d0dc811bb56d65179c93231f05403c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Stef Walter Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 16:34:22 +0000 Subject: Add more MIB files from FreeBSD and BSNMP --- mibs/BEGEMOT-PF-MIB.txt | 1230 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1230 insertions(+) create mode 100644 mibs/BEGEMOT-PF-MIB.txt (limited to 'mibs/BEGEMOT-PF-MIB.txt') diff --git a/mibs/BEGEMOT-PF-MIB.txt b/mibs/BEGEMOT-PF-MIB.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a00aeb --- /dev/null +++ b/mibs/BEGEMOT-PF-MIB.txt @@ -0,0 +1,1230 @@ +-- +-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): +-- wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you +-- can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think +-- this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. -Philip Paeps +-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- $FreeBSD: src/usr.sbin/bsnmpd/modules/snmp_pf/BEGEMOT-PF-MIB.txt,v 2009/08/03 08:13:06 kensmith Exp $ +-- + +BEGEMOT-PF-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN + +IMPORTS + MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter64, Integer32, + TimeTicks, Unsigned32 + FROM SNMPv2-SMI + TruthValue + FROM SNMPv2-TC + begemot + FROM BEGEMOT-MIB; + +begemotPf MODULE-IDENTITY + LAST-UPDATED "200501240000Z" + ORGANIZATION "NixSys BVBA" + CONTACT-INFO + " Philip Paeps + + Postal: NixSys BVBA + Louizastraat 14 + BE-2800 Mechelen + Belgium + + E-Mail:" + DESCRIPTION + "The Begemot MIB for the pf packet filter." + + ::= { begemot 200 } + +begemotPfObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { begemotPf 1 } + +-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +pfStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { begemotPfObjects 1 } +pfCounter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { begemotPfObjects 2 } +pfStateTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { begemotPfObjects 3 } +pfSrcNodes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { begemotPfObjects 4 } +pfLimits OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { begemotPfObjects 5 } +pfTimeouts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { begemotPfObjects 6 } +pfLogInterface OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { begemotPfObjects 7 } +pfInterfaces OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { begemotPfObjects 8 } +pfTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { begemotPfObjects 9 } +pfAltq OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { begemotPfObjects 10 } + +-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +-- +-- status information +-- + +pfStatusRunning OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX TruthValue + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "True if pf is currently enabled." + ::= { pfStatus 1 } + +pfStatusRuntime OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX TimeTicks + UNITS "1/100th of a Second" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Indicates how long pf has been enabled. If pf is not currently + enabled, indicates how long it has been disabled. If pf has not + been enabled or disabled since the system was started, the value + will be 0." + ::= { pfStatus 2 } + +pfStatusDebug OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), urgent(1), misc(2), loud(3) } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Indicates the debug level at which pf is running." + ::= { pfStatus 3 } + +pfStatusHostId OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX OCTET STRING + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The (unique) host identifier of the machine running pf." + ::= { pfStatus 4 } + +-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +-- +-- counters +-- + +pfCounterMatch OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of packets that matched a filter rule." + ::= { pfCounter 1 } + +pfCounterBadOffset OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of packets with bad offset." + ::= { pfCounter 2 } + +pfCounterFragment OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of fragmented packets." + ::= { pfCounter 3 } + +pfCounterShort OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of short packets." + ::= { pfCounter 4 } + +pfCounterNormalize OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of normalized packets." + ::= { pfCounter 5 } + +pfCounterMemDrop OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of packets dropped due to memory limitations." + ::= { pfCounter 6 } + +-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +-- +-- state table +-- + +pfStateTableCount OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Unsigned32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of entries in the state table." + ::= { pfStateTable 1 } + +pfStateTableSearches OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of searches against the state table." + ::= { pfStateTable 2 } + +pfStateTableInserts OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of entries inserted into the state table." + ::= { pfStateTable 3 } + +pfStateTableRemovals OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of entries removed from the state table." + ::= { pfStateTable 4 } + +-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +-- +-- source nodes +-- + +pfSrcNodesCount OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Unsigned32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of entries in the source tracking table." + ::= { pfSrcNodes 1 } + +pfSrcNodesSearches OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of searches against the source tracking table." + ::= { pfSrcNodes 2 } + +pfSrcNodesInserts OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of entries inserted into the source tracking table." + ::= { pfSrcNodes 3 } + +pfSrcNodesRemovals OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of entries removed from the source tracking table." + ::= { pfSrcNodes 4 } + +-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +-- +-- limits +-- + +pfLimitsStates OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Unsigned32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Maximum number of 'keep state' rules in the ruleset." + ::= { pfLimits 1 } + +pfLimitsSrcNodes OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Unsigned32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Maximum number of 'sticky-address' or 'source-track' rules + in the ruleset." + ::= { pfLimits 2 } + +pfLimitsFrags OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Unsigned32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Maximum number of 'scrub' rules in the ruleset." + ::= { pfLimits 3 } + +-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +-- +-- timeouts +-- + +pfTimeoutsTcpFirst OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "State after the first packet in a connection." + ::= { pfTimeouts 1 } + +pfTimeoutsTcpOpening OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "State before the destination host ever sends a packet." + ::= { pfTimeouts 2 } + +pfTimeoutsTcpEstablished OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The fully established state." + ::= { pfTimeouts 3 } + +pfTimeoutsTcpClosing OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "State after the first FIN has been sent." + ::= { pfTimeouts 4 } + +pfTimeoutsTcpFinWait OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "State after both FINs have been exchanged and the + connection is closed." + ::= { pfTimeouts 5 } + +pfTimeoutsTcpClosed OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "State after one endpoint sends an RST." + ::= { pfTimeouts 6 } + +pfTimeoutsUdpFirst OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "State after the first packet." + ::= { pfTimeouts 7 } + +pfTimeoutsUdpSingle OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "State if the source host sends more than one packet but + the destination host has never sent one back." + ::= { pfTimeouts 8 } + +pfTimeoutsUdpMultiple OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "State if both hosts have sent packets." + ::= { pfTimeouts 9 } + +pfTimeoutsIcmpFirst OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "State after the first packet." + ::= { pfTimeouts 10 } + +pfTimeoutsIcmpError OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "State after an ICMP error came back in response to an + ICMP packet." + ::= { pfTimeouts 11 } + +pfTimeoutsOtherFirst OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "State after the first packet." + ::= { pfTimeouts 12 } + +pfTimeoutsOtherSingle OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "State if the source host sends more than one packet but + the destination host has never sent one back." + ::= { pfTimeouts 13 } + +pfTimeoutsOtherMultiple OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "State if both hosts have sent packets." + ::= { pfTimeouts 14 } + +pfTimeoutsFragment OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Seconds before an unassembled fragment is expired." + ::= { pfTimeouts 15 } + +pfTimeoutsInterval OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Interval between purging expired states and fragments." + ::= { pfTimeouts 16 } + +pfTimeoutsAdaptiveStart OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "When the number of state entries exceeds this value, + adaptive scaling begins." + ::= { pfTimeouts 17 } + +pfTimeoutsAdaptiveEnd OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "When reaching this number of state entries, all timeout + values become zero, effectively purging all state entries + immediately." + ::= { pfTimeouts 18 } + +pfTimeoutsSrcNode OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Length of time to retain a source tracking entry after + the last state expires." + ::= { pfTimeouts 19 } + +-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +-- +-- log interface +-- + +pfLogInterfaceName OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX OCTET STRING + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The name of the interface configured with 'set loginterface'. + If no interface has been configured, the object will be empty." + ::= { pfLogInterface 1 } + +pfLogInterfaceIp4BytesIn OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of IPv4 bytes passed in on the loginterface." + ::= { pfLogInterface 2 } + +pfLogInterfaceIp4BytesOut OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of IPv4 bytes passed out on the loginterface." + ::= { pfLogInterface 3 } + +pfLogInterfaceIp4PktsInPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of IPv4 packets passed in on the loginterface." + ::= { pfLogInterface 4 } + +pfLogInterfaceIp4PktsInDrop OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of IPv4 packets dropped coming in on the loginterface." + ::= { pfLogInterface 5 } + +pfLogInterfaceIp4PktsOutPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of IPv4 packets passed out on the loginterface." + ::= { pfLogInterface 6 } + +pfLogInterfaceIp4PktsOutDrop OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of IPv4 packets dropped going out on the loginterface." + ::= { pfLogInterface 7 } + +pfLogInterfaceIp6BytesIn OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of IPv6 bytes passed in on the loginterface." + ::= { pfLogInterface 8 } + +pfLogInterfaceIp6BytesOut OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of IPv6 bytes passed out on the loginterface." + ::= { pfLogInterface 9 } + +pfLogInterfaceIp6PktsInPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of IPv6 packets passed in on the loginterface." + ::= { pfLogInterface 10 } + +pfLogInterfaceIp6PktsInDrop OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of IPv6 packets dropped coming in on the loginterface." + ::= { pfLogInterface 11 } + +pfLogInterfaceIp6PktsOutPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of IPv6 packets passed out on the loginterface." + ::= { pfLogInterface 12 } + +pfLogInterfaceIp6PktsOutDrop OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Number of IPv6 packets dropped going out on the loginterface." + ::= { pfLogInterface 13 } + +-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +-- +-- interfaces +-- + +pfInterfacesIfNumber OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of network interfaces on this system." + ::= { pfInterfaces 1 } + +pfInterfacesIfTable OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PfInterfacesIfEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Table of network interfaces, indexed on pfInterfacesIfNumber." + ::= { pfInterfaces 2 } + +pfInterfacesIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX PfInterfacesIfEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "An entry in the pfInterfacesIfTable containing information + about a particular network interface in the machine." + INDEX { pfInterfacesIfIndex } + ::= { pfInterfacesIfTable 1 } + +PfInterfacesIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { + pfInterfacesIfIndex Integer32, + pfInterfacesIfDescr OCTET STRING, + pfInterfacesIfType INTEGER, + pfInterfacesIfTZero TimeTicks, + pfInterfacesIfRefsState Unsigned32, + pfInterfacesIfRefsRule Unsigned32, + pfInterfacesIf4BytesInPass Counter64, + pfInterfacesIf4BytesInBlock Counter64, + pfInterfacesIf4BytesOutPass Counter64, + pfInterfacesIf4BytesOutBlock Counter64, + pfInterfacesIf4PktsInPass Counter64, + pfInterfacesIf4PktsInBlock Counter64, + pfInterfacesIf4PktsOutPass Counter64, + pfInterfacesIf4PktsOutBlock Counter64, + pfInterfacesIf6BytesInPass Counter64, + pfInterfacesIf6BytesInBlock Counter64, + pfInterfacesIf6BytesOutPass Counter64, + pfInterfacesIf6BytesOutBlock Counter64, + pfInterfacesIf6PktsInPass Counter64, + pfInterfacesIf6PktsInBlock Counter64, + pfInterfacesIf6PktsOutPass Counter64, + pfInterfacesIf6PktsOutBlock Counter64 +} + +pfInterfacesIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A unique value, greater than zero, for each interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 1 } + +pfInterfacesIfDescr OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX OCTET STRING + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The name of the interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 2 } + +pfInterfacesIfType OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { group(0), instance(1), detached(2) } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Indicates whether the interface is a group inteface, an + interface instance, or whether it has been removed or + destroyed." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 3 } + +pfInterfacesIfTZero OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX TimeTicks + UNITS "1/100th of a Second" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Time since statistics were last reset or since the + interface was loaded." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 4 } + +pfInterfacesIfRefsState OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Unsigned32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of state and/or source track entries referencing + this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 5 } + +pfInterfacesIfRefsRule OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Unsigned32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of rules referencing this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 6 } + +pfInterfacesIf4BytesInPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv4 bytes passed coming in on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 7 } + +pfInterfacesIf4BytesInBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv4 bytes blocked coming in on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 8 } + +pfInterfacesIf4BytesOutPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv4 bytes passed going out on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 9 } + +pfInterfacesIf4BytesOutBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv4 bytes blocked going out on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 10 } + +pfInterfacesIf4PktsInPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv4 packets passed coming in on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 11 } + +pfInterfacesIf4PktsInBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv4 packets blocked coming in on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 12 } + +pfInterfacesIf4PktsOutPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv4 packets passed going out on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 13 } + +pfInterfacesIf4PktsOutBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv4 packets blocked going out on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 14 } + +pfInterfacesIf6BytesInPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv6 bytes passed coming in on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 15 } + +pfInterfacesIf6BytesInBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv6 bytes blocked coming in on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 16 } + +pfInterfacesIf6BytesOutPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv6 bytes passed going out on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 17 } + +pfInterfacesIf6BytesOutBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv6 bytes blocked going out on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 18 } + + +pfInterfacesIf6PktsInPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv6 packets passed coming in on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 19 } + +pfInterfacesIf6PktsInBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv6 packets blocked coming in on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 20 } + +pfInterfacesIf6PktsOutPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv6 packets passed going out on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 21 } + +pfInterfacesIf6PktsOutBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of IPv6 packets blocked going out on this interface." + ::= { pfInterfacesIfEntry 22 } + +-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +-- +-- tables +-- + +pfTablesTblNumber OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of tables on this system." + ::= { pfTables 1 } + +pfTablesTblTable OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PfTablesTblEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Table of tables, index on pfTablesTblIndex." + ::= { pfTables 2 } + +pfTablesTblEntry OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX PfTablesTblEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Any entry in the pfTablesTblTable containing information + about a particular table on the system." + INDEX { pfTablesTblIndex } + ::= { pfTablesTblTable 1 } + +PfTablesTblEntry ::= SEQUENCE { + pfTablesTblIndex Integer32, + pfTablesTblDescr OCTET STRING, + pfTablesTblCount Integer32, + pfTablesTblTZero TimeTicks, + pfTablesTblRefsAnchor Integer32, + pfTablesTblRefsRule Integer32, + pfTablesTblEvalMatch Counter64, + pfTablesTblEvalNoMatch Counter64, + pfTablesTblBytesInPass Counter64, + pfTablesTblBytesInBlock Counter64, + pfTablesTblBytesInXPass Counter64, + pfTablesTblBytesOutPass Counter64, + pfTablesTblBytesOutBlock Counter64, + pfTablesTblBytesOutXPass Counter64, + pfTablesTblPktsInPass Counter64, + pfTablesTblPktsInBlock Counter64, + pfTablesTblPktsInXPass Counter64, + pfTablesTblPktsOutPass Counter64, + pfTablesTblPktsOutBlock Counter64, + pfTablesTblPktsOutXPass Counter64 +} + +pfTablesTblIndex OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A unique value, greater than zero, for each table." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 1 } + +pfTablesTblDescr OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX OCTET STRING + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The name of the table." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 2 } + +pfTablesTblCount OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of addresses in the table." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 3 } + +pfTablesTblTZero OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX TimeTicks + UNITS "1/100th of a Second" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The time passed since the statistics of this table were last + cleared or the time since this table was loaded, whichever is + sooner." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 4 } + +pfTablesTblRefsAnchor OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of anchors referencing this table." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 5 } + +pfTablesTblRefsRule OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of rules referencing this table." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 6 } + +pfTablesTblEvalMatch OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of evaluations returning a match." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 7 } + +pfTablesTblEvalNoMatch OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of evaluations not returning a match." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 8 } + +pfTablesTblBytesInPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of bytes passed in matching the table." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 9 } + +pfTablesTblBytesInBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of bytes blocked coming in matching the table." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 10 } + +pfTablesTblBytesInXPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of bytes statefully passed in where the state + entry refers to the table, but the table no longer contains + the address in question." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 11 } + +pfTablesTblBytesOutPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of bytes passed out matching the table." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 12 } + +pfTablesTblBytesOutBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of bytes blocked going out matching the table." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 13 } + +pfTablesTblBytesOutXPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of bytes statefully passed out where the state + entry refers to the table, but the table no longer contains + the address in question." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 14 } + +pfTablesTblPktsInPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of packets passed in matching the table." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 15 } + +pfTablesTblPktsInBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of packets blocked coming in matching the table." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 16 } + +pfTablesTblPktsInXPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of packets statefully passed in where the state + entry refers to the table, but the table no longer contains + the address in question." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 17 } + +pfTablesTblPktsOutPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of packets passed out matching the table." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 18 } + +pfTablesTblPktsOutBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of packets blocked going out matching the table." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 19 } + +pfTablesTblPktsOutXPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of packets statefully passed out where the state + entry refers to the table, but the table no longer contains + the address in question." + ::= { pfTablesTblEntry 20 } + +pfTablesAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PfTablesAddrEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Table of addresses from every table on the system." + ::= { pfTables 3 } + +pfTablesAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX PfTablesAddrEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "An entry in the pfTablesAddrTable containing information + about a particular entry in a table." + INDEX { pfTablesAddrIndex } + ::= { pfTablesAddrTable 1 } + +PfTablesAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { + pfTablesAddrIndex Integer32, + pfTablesAddrNet IpAddress, + pfTablesAddrMask Integer32, + pfTablesAddrTZero TimeTicks, + pfTablesAddrBytesInPass Counter64, + pfTablesAddrBytesInBlock Counter64, + pfTablesAddrBytesOutPass Counter64, + pfTablesAddrBytesOutBlock Counter64, + pfTablesAddrPktsInPass Counter64, + pfTablesAddrPktsInBlock Counter64, + pfTablesAddrPktsOutPass Counter64, + pfTablesAddrPktsOutBlock Counter64 +} + +pfTablesAddrIndex OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A unique value, greater than zero, for each address." + ::= { pfTablesAddrEntry 1 } + +pfTablesAddrNet OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX IpAddress + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The IP address of this particular table entry." + ::= { pfTablesAddrEntry 2 } + +pfTablesAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32) + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The CIDR netmask of this particular table entry." + ::= { pfTablesAddrEntry 3 } + +pfTablesAddrTZero OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX TimeTicks + UNITS "1/100th of a Second" + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The time passed since this entry's statistics were last + cleared, or the time passed since this entry was loaded + into the table, whichever is sooner." + ::= { pfTablesAddrEntry 4 } + +pfTablesAddrBytesInPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of inbound bytes passed as a result of this entry." + ::= { pfTablesAddrEntry 5 } + +pfTablesAddrBytesInBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of inbound bytes blocked as a result of this entry." + ::= { pfTablesAddrEntry 6 } + +pfTablesAddrBytesOutPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of outbound bytes passed as a result of this entry." + ::= { pfTablesAddrEntry 7 } + +pfTablesAddrBytesOutBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of outbound bytes blocked as a result of this entry." + ::= { pfTablesAddrEntry 8 } + +pfTablesAddrPktsInPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of inbound packets passed as a result of this entry." + ::= { pfTablesAddrEntry 9 } + +pfTablesAddrPktsInBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of inbound packets blocked as a result of this entry." + ::= { pfTablesAddrEntry 10 } + +pfTablesAddrPktsOutPass OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of outbound packets passed as a result of this entry." + ::= { pfTablesAddrEntry 11 } + +pfTablesAddrPktsOutBlock OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Counter64 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of outbound packets blocked as a result of this + entry." + ::= { pfTablesAddrEntry 12 } + +-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +-- +-- Altq information +-- + +pfAltqQueueNumber OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Unsigned32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The number of queues in the active set." + ::= { pfAltq 1 } + +pfAltqQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PfAltqQueueEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Table containing the rules that are active on this system." + ::= { pfAltq 2 } + +pfAltqQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX PfAltqQueueEntry + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "An entry in the pfAltqQueueTable table." + INDEX { pfAltqQueueIndex } + ::= { pfAltqQueueTable 1 } + +PfAltqQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { + pfAltqQueueIndex Integer32, + pfAltqQueueDescr OCTET STRING, + pfAltqQueueParent OCTET STRING, + pfAltqQueueScheduler INTEGER, + pfAltqQueueBandwidth Unsigned32, + pfAltqQueuePriority Integer32, + pfAltqQueueLimit Integer32 +} + +pfAltqQueueIndex OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) + MAX-ACCESS not-accessible + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "A unique value, greater than zero, for each queue." + ::= { pfAltqQueueEntry 1 } + +pfAltqQueueDescr OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX OCTET STRING + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "The name of the queue." + ::= { pfAltqQueueEntry 2 } + +pfAltqQueueParent OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX OCTET STRING + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Name of the queue's parent if it has one." + ::= { pfAltqQueueEntry 3 } + +pfAltqQueueScheduler OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX INTEGER { cbq(1), hfsc(8), priq(11) } + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Scheduler algorithm implemented by this queue." + ::= { pfAltqQueueEntry 4 } + +pfAltqQueueBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Unsigned32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Bandwitch assigned to this queue." + ::= { pfAltqQueueEntry 5 } + +pfAltqQueuePriority OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Priority level of the queue." + ::= { pfAltqQueueEntry 6 } + +pfAltqQueueLimit OBJECT-TYPE + SYNTAX Integer32 + MAX-ACCESS read-only + STATUS current + DESCRIPTION + "Maximum number of packets in the queue." + ::= { pfAltqQueueEntry 7 } + +END -- cgit v1.2.3