path: root/content/technical
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authorStef Walter <>2014-11-04 11:31:31 +0100
committerStef Walter <>2014-11-04 13:55:32 +0100
commit0968f903fe66f9bb8957b8d01e35f3743c74404b (patch)
tree5928fbcdf458575c77cbfe8edac12afc7d71b768 /content/technical
parent054fed351b16d608f6ae4b8fd3cf3a38434117bd (diff)
Brought old blog over
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+Title: About Trust Assertions
+Date: 2010-10-13
+Tags: technical, security, gnome
+Slug: about-trust-assertions
+I've been working on some specifications for storage of 'trust'. This a
+sufficiently vague and abstract concept to require a hoity toity name:
+*Trust Assertions*
+Trust assertions are used to assign an explicit level of trust to a
+public key or certificate. I'll just refer to certificates below because
+that's the easiest to grasp, but the concept is sufficiently abstract to
+allow trust assertions for other types of keys.
+Examples of trust assertions include:
+- Certificate Authority root certificates
+- Certificate Revocation Lists
+- Certificates you decide to trust manually (for your favorite self
+ signed certificate)
+- Certificates marked bad explicitly
+Trust assertions are not about the process of deciding whether you'll
+eventually trust a certificate. Ultimately an application needs to
+determine trust a certificate for a given connection, email or instant
+message. It does this by checking if it's valid, who it's signed by, and
+an obscene amount of other rules. It usually does this with the help of
+a crypto library.
+Only the application has all the information necessary to make a trust
+decision. A simple example of this is how web browsers check that the
+common name (ie: `CN`) of the certificate matches the domain name of the
+`https://` website you've browsed to.
+Trust assertions are about storing basic facts that applications use in
+their trust decision process.
+ **The Concept** 
+A trust assertion describes a level of trust in a certificate for a
+given usage or purpose.  Conceptually each trust assertion is a triple
+- Certificate Reference
+- Usage (aka purpose)
+- Level of Trust
+We examine each of these parts of the triple in further detail below.
+**The Level of Trust**
+A trust assertion ultimately denotes a level of trust. These are:
+- Untrusted: The certificate is explicitly untrusted.
+- Unknown: The trust is not known and should be determined
+ elsewhere.
+- Trusted: The certificate itself is explicitly trusted.
+- Trusted Delegator: The certificate is trusted as a certificate
+ authority trust root.  Trust is conferred to certificates that
+ this certificate has signed, or that signed certificates have
+ signed, and so on.
+**The Usage**
+A trust assertion always refers to a specific purpose or usage.  A
+certificate may be trusted for purposes like: email, code signing,
+authenticating a server.
+It turns out that carte blanche trust not a super useful concept. You
+(should) always trust someone for some purpose. You trust your bank
+with your money, not your children; you trust your school with your
+children, and so on.
+**The Certificate Reference**
+And finally we have the certificate that the trust assertion refers
+Pretty boring stuff actually. But it does get exciting. By comoditizing
+trust storage, we can use these well defined concepts for new methods of
+trust decision making.
+The way certificate authorities work in your web browser scares a lot of
+people. By changing to a more general trust storage model, we have the
+possibilities for applications to try out new trust paradigms. One
+example is the have-I-seen-this-key-at-this-site-before trust model,
+used by OpenSSH. But I'm certain that more methods will emerge as more
+energy is brought to bear on the problem.
+Okay enough hand waving, and back to earth.
+The [specification I'm working on][] defines how to store trust
+assertions as PKCS\#11 objects. This isn't a new concept, and has been
+[implemented in Mozilla's NSS][] for a long time. However as far as I
+can tell it hasn't yet been documented.
+style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px;">
+After some prodding (thanks Nikos) I figured I'd do some work to
+document it properly.
+GNOME Keyring is completing its implementation of trust assertions. For
+a long time now, we've had simple read-only trust assertions that
+exposed everything in <span class="Apple-style-span"
+style="font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;">/etc/ssl/certs</span> as
+a trusted delegator (ie: a certificate authority).
+But now we're working on rounding out the support on the [trust-store
+branch of gnome-keyring][].
+[Cosimo][] is working on XTLS to encrypt jabber chats in empathy, and so
+the trust-store work will help store certificate exceptions in
+ [specification I'm working on]:
+ [implemented in Mozilla's NSS]:
+ [trust-store branch of gnome-keyring]:
+ [Cosimo]:
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+Title: Certificate and Key Widgets
+Date: 2010-10-08
+Tags: technical, security, gnome
+Slug: certificate-and-key-widgets
+The new certificate and key view widgets are now merged into
+gnome-keyring master. They live in [libgcr][]: a library for crypto UI
+widgets and crypto helpers.
+The goal of the widgets are to have a simple mode, where only the
+information needed for a user to uniquely identify a certificate is
+displayed. The widget can be expanded to show all the details about the
+Simple mode, with a dialog border.
+Details expanded.
+At GUADEC [Matthew Paul Thomas][] helped us design a nice certificate
+selector, and I'm working on implementing that.
+ [libgcr]:
+ [Matthew Paul Thomas]:
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+Title: Ditching Certificate Authorities with Convergence
+Date: 2011-09-06 19:49
+Tags: security, gnome
+Slug: listened-to-moxies-talk-about-trust
+Listened to [Moxie's][] [talk about Trust Agility and 'Convergence'][].
+Sounds like a viable candidate for ditching the Certificate Authority
+mess, or at least part of a solution. Go [watch the video][talk about
+Trust Agility and 'Convergence'] if you haven't already.
+I was thinking about how we could implement support for
+[Convergence][] in GNOME. The local cache of discovered valid
+certificates would work far better across an entire desktop, rather than
+each application (browser or otherwise) including code, configuration,
+and storage to do it on their own.
+In fact it fits in nicely with the Trust Assertion stuff I've been
+playing with. It'd be relatively straightforward to build a [PKCS#11 Trust Assertion module][] which used Convergence to seed Trust
+Assertions. That would plug in easily to [GLib][], [GCR][], NSS etc.
+(modulo a few patches not yet merged).
+But a few things popped into my mind while watching the video. Stuff
+that it seems would need to be solved before this can be implemented as
+general purpose solution. This is just off the top of my head, and
+perhaps I'm woefully mistaken about something:
+1. **Protocols and Options:** Since I work for Collabora and we have a
+ thing for XMPP, the first thing that stood out to me, is that the
+ protocol is limited to HTTP, and more specifically SSL. Nearly every
+ other protocol uses TLS for security.
+ So for starters this means that when the Notary wants to retrieve
+ the certificate it'll need to know how to speak a given protocol. I
+ guess different notaries could know speak different protocols when
+ fetching the certificate from the target server?
+ Then the Convergence protocol would need to be changed to allow the
+ caller to specify a well known protocol. Perhaps the protocol would
+ also need some sort of capabilities support so that clients can know
+ which Notaries can do what?
+2. **TLS Options, Extensions:** Taking this a step further, the Notary
+ would need to provide the same TLS options and extensions that are
+ used in the handshake. Most obviously: [SNI][]
+3. **Hash Algorithm:** The protocol currently hardcodes things like
+ SHA-1, which isn't aging very well. And as we've learned, [it's often better to pass the entire certificate around][]. Or at least,
+ have it extensible where you can specify a hash algorithm to use.
+4. Obviously Convergence doesn't (and probably can't) work if the
+ server is requiring client certificates. I guess it's not meant to
+ solve this use case though.
+5. The installing of Notaries by downloading them as files from
+ websites (including the certificate) smells sort of wrong, at first
+ whiff. But if you figure that several Notaries would be distributed
+ with a distribution (and could later be updated as necessary) and
+ the certificates of websites hosting additional .notary files could
+ be checked using the initial set of Notaries, then I guess it sort
+ of makes sense.
+6. **Protocol Specification:** Last but not least, the protocol needs to
+ be documented and reviewed.
+About usability: Obviously most users will never care about checking
+which Notaries they use. I have a hard time expecting most people to
+care. But they don't have to.
+The Trust Agility comes with the fact that a distributor like GNOME
+could easily ship a default set of Notaries, and then update them as
+needed without affecting functionality. As Moxie points out the browser
+vendors can't even disable [screwballs like Comodo][] because it would
+disable a quarter of the web. So that's where this is different. You can
+replace screwed up Notaries without affecting functionality.
+And no more self-signed certificate warnings. Seriously, that dialog
+(wherever it's implemented) is the worst security cop-out ever.
+ [Moxie's]:
+ [talk about Trust Agility and 'Convergence']:
+ [Convergence]:
+ [PKCS#11 Trust Assertion module]:
+ [GLib]:
+ [GCR]:
+ [SNI]:
+ [it's often better to pass the entire certificate around]:
+ [screwballs like Comodo]:
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+Title: git-coverage: Useful code coverage
+Date: 2012-12-18 10:55
+Tags: technical, gnome
+Slug: git-coverage-useful-code-coverage
+I've sorta dabbled in using code coverage off and on, but it never
+really grabbed me as super useful and fit well within my workflow.
+When hacking on open source I want to try out patches, run tests against
+them, whether automatic unit tests or manually diddling things during
+testing. What I'm really interested is whether I tested out all the bits
+of the patch.
+Traditional coverage tools tell you about the coverage of the whole
+project, which you then have to update and dig through to see if your
+changes were covered. I really don't care about the code coverage of
+entire projects. This is especially true if I'm just a contributor of a
+few patches. I want to see the coverage of the stuff I just changed.
+![Git coverage](images/git-coverage-shot.png)
+Anyhooo ... after much ongoing grumpiness ... I put together
+[git-coverage][] which is a git plugin which you can use to look at a
+patch and see which code paths have been run. Basically you use it
+exactly like you would `git diff` but it highlights the code in the diff
+that didn't have coverage. Works with Python, C and C++ code so far.
+<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
+To use with C or C++ code, you need to build the project using gcc's
+`--coverage` info. Something like this:
+ :::text
+ $ CFLAGS='--coverage' ./configure ...
+ $ make clean all
+Next you make some modifications to the code, rebuild, and run the tests
+or code. Now the following command will tell you which of your changes
+were covered.
+ :::text
+ $ git coverage
+Any lines that start with an exclam have no coverage. They're
+highlighted in red if you have git coloring enabled. If there's no
+output from the above command, then all lines have coverage. Similar to
+how if nothing has changed, diff will output nothing.
+If you've already checked in your code then you would use the following
+command to test the coverage of the last commit, similar to how you
+might use git diff to show the last commit.
+ :::text
+ $ git coverage HEAD~1
+Or you can test coverage of the last N patches by doing stuff like:
+ :::text
+ $ git coverage HEAD~3..
+Normally `git-coverage` tries to check the coverage of lines surrounding
+the changes. If you want to suppress this, you just pass in diff options
+to narrow the diff down:
+ :::text
+ $ git coverage --unified=0
+To install `git-coverage` put it somewhere in your path. You might use:
+ :::text
+ $ git clone git://
+ $ cd git-coverage
+ $ ln -s $PWD/git-coverage ~/.local/bin
+To use with Python code, install the `python-coverage` package, and run
+your code or tests like this:
+ :::text
+ $ # Yup, python-coverage has a rather bold command name.
+ $ coverage run /path/to/python-code args ...
+ $ git coverage
+Anyway, maybe this'll help someone. It's an itch I've had for some
+BTW, [Phillip][] put some [code into gnome-common][] which you can use
+to [add --enable-code-coverage to your configure script][], and
+optionally get full coverage reports for the project. Obviously also
+works with git-coverage.
+ [git-coverage]:
+ [Phillip]:
+ [code into gnome-common]:
+ [add --enable-code-coverage to your configure script]:
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+Title: Goals of the Keyring and Seahorse Projects
+Date: 2010-10-17
+Tags: technical, security, gnome
+Slug: goals-of-keyring-and-seahorse-projects
+<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: inherit;">In an
+effort to get better organized, I've put together [a page listing the
+goals][] of the [gnome-keyring][] and [seahorse][] projects. </span>It's
+all broken down into tasks, plans, and what's already done.
+The basic jist of it is to make crypto and security a usable experience
+on the desktop. This means laying down a foundation for integrating
+crypto into applications easily. We have tons of technically excellent
+crypto libraries and security components, but there hasn't been the glue
+to tie them together and make them usable in apps.
+<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: inherit;">It's sort
+of like what PackageKit or NetworkManager did for their respective
+areas. Linux (and other open source OS's are) really great at
+networking, but NetworkManager pulled together all the various bits, and
+completed missing parts to make it to be usable.</span>
+[<span class="Apple-style-span"
+style="font-family: inherit;"></span>][a
+page listing the goals]
+ [a page listing the goals]:
+ [gnome-keyring]:
+ [seahorse]:
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+Title: How to build telepathy-qt4 with alternate prefix
+Date: 2011-08-11
+Tags: technical
+Slug: how-to-build-telepathy-qt4-with
+Just figured out how to build telepathy-qt4 in an alternate prefix and
+also look for dependencies in that prefix as well. Since I don't use
+cmake much these days, figured I'd post this so I could go and look back
+at it later. Depends on [this fix][].
+ :::sh
+ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/the/prefix cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/the/prefix  .make install
+Or if on a 64-bit system:
+ :::sh
+ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/the/prefix cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/data/build/telepathy -DLIB_SUFFIX=64 .make install
+ [this fix]:
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+Title: How to create an Active Directory domain to test against
+Date: 2012-08-03
+Tags: technical, security
+Slug: how-to-create-active-directory-domain
+Many interested people want to help test the Active Directory work and
+bug fixes we've been doing. But sadly there's no public Active Directory
+servers that I know of. So here's how to setup a virtual machine with
+your own Active Directory. It's not that hard.
+### 1. Preparation
+- Each Active Directory has a unique domain name. Choose one. You can
+ choose a subdomain of a domain you own, or one that's completely
+ made up. I chose `borg.thewalter.lan`
+- Download the evaluation edition of [Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise server][]. Click the *Get Started *button at that link to download
+ it. The evaluation edition is valid for 180 days. You should end up
+ with an ISO file named something
+ like: `7601.17514.101119-1850_x64fre_server_eval_en-us-GRMSXEVAL_EN_DVD.iso`
+- We'll be using virt-manager in this tutorial, so install
+ `virt-manager`, `libvirtd, qemu` and all their dependencies.
+### 2. Create a virtual network
+- The Active Directory server will need a static IP address. The
+ `default` virtual network configured by libvirtd does not have any
+ space for a static IP address, so we need to create a new virtual
+ network.
+- Start `virt-manager` and make sure you're connected to the
+ *localhost (QEMU)* connection.
+- Click on *localhost (QEMU)* and choose *Edit* \> *Connection
+ Details* from the menu.
+- Choose the *Virtual Networks* tab in the dialog that pops up and
+ click the add button.
+- Use settings like:
+ *Network Name*: ad
+ *Network*: ``
+ *Enable DHCP*: checked
+ *Start*: ``
+ *End*: ``
+- Notice that we left some space between the start of the netblock and
+ the first DHCP allocated address. Actually virt-manager does this by
+ default for added virtual networks like this one.
+- You probably want to *Forward* (via *NAT*) to your physical network.
+ That makes it easier to activate windows later and get updates.
+- Complete the wizard and you're done.
+### 3. Create a new virtual machine
+- In the main virt-manager window, click the create button in the
+ toolbar to create a new virtual machine.
+- Type the domain name you chose above as the virtual machine *Name*.
+- Choose *Local install media* and when prompted select the *ISO
+ image* you downloaded above as the *install media*.
+- Set *OS type* to *Windows*, and *Version* to *Microsoft Windows
+ Server 2008.*
+- 512 MB of memory is enough, 1 CPU is enough. Feel free to set these
+ higher if you like.
+- Create a new virtual disk with at least 10 GB of disk space.
+- On the last page of the *Create a new virtual machine* dialog,
+ expand the *Advanced options* section and choose the network you
+ created above.
+- Complete the dialog and the virtual machine should be created. Then
+ the Windows install should begin.
+### 4. Windows Server install
+- Choose whatever keyboard and language you want on the first dialog
+ of the install.
+- On the next page choose *Install now*.
+- A list of types of Windows Server installs should show up. Choose
+ *Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Full Installation)*and go to the
+ next page.
+- Read and accept the license.
+- Choose *Custom (advanced)* when prompted how to install Windows.
+- Select the disk to install Windows on. There should only be one
+ choice which is the virtual disk you configured when you created the
+ virtual machine.
+- Windows Server will proceed to install, and will reboot a couple
+ times in the process.
+- Once the system is ready, you will be prompted to change the
+ *Administrator* password. This is actually setting the password for
+ the first time. This is the password for the *Administrator* account
+ on the server itself, not the administrator of the Active Directory
+ domain, which you'll set later. You can use the same password for
+ both, since this is a test install.
+- If all goes well you should be logged into your new server at this
+ point. A bunch of helpful windows will pop up, but you don't need to
+ do anything with them.
+### 5. Set the IP address
+- An Active Directory server acts as an LDAP and DNS server, and needs
+ a static IP address.
+- Click *Start* \> *Network,*and then click the *Change adapter
+ settings* link in the window that comes up. Another window should
+ appear.
+- Right click on the *Local Area Connection* item and choose
+ *Properties* in the menu.
+- Click on the *Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)* item and then
+ click the *Properties* button. A dialog for setting the addresses
+ comes up.
+- Choose *Use the following IP address.*Then set the relevant fields.
+ The settings here are based on the virtual network you created
+ above, if you used a different netblock then modify as appropriate:
+ *IP Address*: ``
+ *Subnet mask*: ``
+ *Default gateway*: ``
+ *Preferred DNS Server*: ``
+- Click OK or Close in the various dialogs to complete things.
+### 6. Set the machine name
+- An Active Directory server should have a well known DNS name, you
+ don't need to set it in DNS, but just name the server appropriately
+ and then Active Directory will do the rest.
+- Click *Start* \> *Computer*, and a window should come up.
+- In the left pane of the window, there's an item called
+ *Computer.*Right click on it and choose *Properties* from the menu.
+ Another window should show up.
+- Click *Change Settings*, and a dialog will come up.
+- In the *Computer Name* tab click the *Change...* button, which
+ displays another dialog.
+- Set `DC` as the *Computer name* or another name of your choice.
+ Don't worry about the *Member of Domain or Workgroup* stuff yet.
+- Click OK and/or Close to complete the changes. You'll be prompted to
+ restart, so go ahead and do that.
+### 7. Setting up Active Directory
+- Click *Start \>* *Run* and type `DCPROMO` in the dialog that comes
+ up.
+- A progress window will come up which explains about installing some
+ components. This takes a while.
+- A wizard will eventually show up. Click through the introduction and
+ warnings.
+- Choose *Create a new domain in a new forest*.
+- On the next page enter the domain you chose earlier, like
+ `borg.thewalter.lan`
+- Choose the *Forest functional level*. You can choose whichever one
+ you like. Choosing *2008 R2* is a decent choice. You can test
+ against various Active Directory servers with different levels to
+ simulate different domains you might encounter in the wild.
+- Make sure *DNS Server* is chosen on the next page.
+- Once you complete that, a dialog will come up warning you about how
+ the DNS delegation cannot be created. We'll do that manually below,
+ so this is nothing to worry about. Choose *Yes*.
+- Leave the default paths for database and log files.
+- Choose a domain *Administrator* password. Logically this is
+ different from the local server *Administrator* account you set the
+ password for above. But you can use the same password to keep things
+ simple.
+- Review the selections if you're interested, and then click *Next* to
+ complete things.
+- Wait for a while for installation and configuration, *Finish. *
+- You'll need to *Restart Now*.
+- The reboot after installing Active Directory will take a while as it
+ does a bunch of stuff on the first boot.
+### 8. Setup DNS to work with Active Directory
+- Back on your linux box you'll want to be able to connect to Active
+ Directory. To do this you need to setup DNS. Active Directory comes
+ with its own DNS server, you just need to tell your local host where
+ it is. To do this we'll install a local caching name server.
+- Install bind. If you're on Fedora you can use a command
+ like: `# yum install caching-nameserver`
+- After the install completes, edit `/etc/named.conf` and add the
+ following line to your main *options* section:
+ :::text
+ forwarders {; /* ... or the address of your ISP DNS server */ };
+- And add this to the end of `/etc/named.conf`. Modify for your domain
+ name or server static IP address assigned above:
+ :::text
+ zone "borg.thewalter.lan" { type stub; masters {; }; };
+- Restart the named service with: `# systemctl restart named.service`
+- Before configuring your host to use the local caching nameserver,
+ test it with commands like:
+ :::text
+ # host borg.thewalter.lan
+ # host dc.borg.thewalter.lan
+ # host
+- Once you know it's working, use `nm-connection-editor` to edit your
+ connection. Choose your connection, and on the *IPv4 Settings* tab,
+ choose *Automatic (DHCP) addresses only.*Now set `` as the
+ *DNS servers*.
+- You should now be able to test you local server with commands like:
+ :::text
+ # host borg.thewalter.lan
+ # host dc.borg.thewalter.lan
+ # host
+### 9. Test the Active Directory domain works
+- On your host linux box you should now be able to get a kerberos
+ ticket.
+- If you have a custom configured `/etc/krb5.conf`, you may need to
+ remove or move it. There is no real need for this file with a modern
+ kerberos domain like Active Directory.
+- Run this command. Make sure the domain is upper case here:
+ :::text
+ $ kinit Administrator@BORG.THEWALTER.LAN
+- You'll be prompted for the domain *Administrator* password. The one
+ you typed in the *Setting up Active Directory* step above.
+- If successful `kinit` will show no output. You can use the `klist`
+ command to see your ticket.
+That's it. You're done. 
+You can add additional Active Directory users via the *Active Directory
+Users and Computers* tool in the *Administrative Tools* section of the
+*Start* menu in the Windows Server virtual machine.
+You may be prompted to Activate your Windows install. You won't need any
+special information or keys or anything. Just go ahead with it. The
+install you have is valid for 180 days, and will say in the lower left
+corner how long you have left.
+ [Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise server]:
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+Title: How to join Active Directory domains with a One Time Password
+Date: 2014-05-06 14:23
+Tags: active-directory
+Slug: how-to-join-active-directory-domains
+[realmd][] and [adcli][] allow you to join a domain with a one time
+That is: a domain administrator can prepare a one time password, and
+that one time password can later be used (usually by someone else) to
+join a specific computer to the domain.
+[FreeIPA][] supports this natively. But adcli also accomplishes this for
+Active Directory domains. People have been asking how that happens.
+Each computer in an Active Directory domain has a computer account. Each
+computer account has a computer password. Normally this password is
+[randomly generated][] while joining the domain.
+When you choose the *Reset Password* option in the Active Directory UI,
+this password is set to a predictable string, which is just the computer
+account name in lower case (ie: `samAccountName` without the dollar
+![Reset computer](images/reset-computer.png)
+Since computer accounts can (by default) change their own account
+passwords, reseting a computer account allows anyone to claim the
+computer account, by changing its password from this known password to a
+generated one.
+realmd takes advantage of the above, and will automatically join a
+domain if the relevant computer account has been reset.
+In addition adcli has a `preset-computer` mode which allows an
+administrator to generate a new computer account, and set its paswsord
+to a one time use password.
+ :::text
+ $ adcli preset-computer --one-time-password=ThisIsthe1xPass
+ Password for Administrator@AD.EXAMPLE.COM:
+ computer-name: COMPUTER1
+This one time password can later be used with realmd to have it join the
+computer account, like so:
+ :::text
+ $ hostname
+ $ realm join --one-time-password=ThisIsthe1xPass
+Or you can use this one time password with kickstart, as shown here:
+<iframe allowfullscreen="" src="//" frameborder="0" height="720" width="960"></iframe>
+ [realmd]:
+ [adcli]:
+ [FreeIPA]:
+ [randomly generated]:
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+Title: Implemented trust assertions and certificate chains
+Date: 2010-12-11
+Tags: technical, security, gnome
+Slug: implemented-trust-assertions-and
+Trust assertions are bits of trust information used by applications to
+make trust decisions about certificates. For example, trust assertions
+can represent certificate authority anchors, pinned certificate
+exceptions, or revocation lists. Trust assertions do not represent the
+trust decision itself, but they're used in a trust decision.
+By using trust assertions applications (and libraries) can make
+consistent trust decisions and not confuse the poor user with different
+security in each app when making TLS connections.
+For example all the applications on the user's desktop would use the
+same set of certificate authorities when making TLS connections. And the
+user can then easily manage that set of certificates. It's also easy to
+store per-host pinned certificate exceptions for self-signed
+certificates, and have all applications use them consistently.
+I've put together a [spec for storing and looking up trust assertions
+via PKCS\#11][] which allows a loose coupling between applications and
+the storage of these trust assertions. I've also implemented support for
+storing trust assertions in Gnome Keyring, and [client side support in
+To make it all very easy to use, I've added a [GcrCertificateChain][]
+class which builds up a certificate chain, based on trust assertions and
+gets it ready for verification by your favorite crypto library.
+All this goodness is available in the [trust-store branch][] of
+gnome-keyring, and it looks like [empathy will be the first][] app to
+make use of it. I'm gonna try and see how we can fit this into the nice
+new [GTlsConnection][] support in glib.
+I'm looking forward to the [security devroom at FOSDEM][] and hope to
+talk about some of this stuff.
+ [spec for storing and looking up trust assertions via PKCS\#11]:
+ [client side support in libgcr]:
+ [GcrCertificateChain]:
+ [trust-store branch]:
+ [empathy will be the first]:
+ [GTlsConnection]:
+ [security devroom at FOSDEM]:
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+Title: Importing certificates and keys
+Date: 2011-10-05
+Tags: technical, security, gnome
+Slug: importing-certificates-and-keys
+I've been working on an importer for keys and certificates that can work
+with PKCS#11 key storage, such as smart cards, NSS or gnome-keyring.
+Here's a demo of it in action. If you want to try this out yourself,
+you'll need:
+- latest gcr library from [gnome-keyring git master][]
+- [p11-kit 0.7][] or later
+- [OpenSC configured][] to show up in p11-kit
+- [NSS configured][] to show up in p11-kit
+- an [OpenSC patch][] for mlock issue
+- an Entersafe based smart card, like the [Feitan 310 or 301][].
+- the smart card [needs to be initialized][]
+It's possible that this works with other smart cards too, but I haven't
+tested it. By the way, if you want to help work on smart cards support,
+[Gooze gives away free smart cards][] for open source developers working
+on this stuff.
+On to the demo...
+<iframe allowfullscreen="" src=";byline=0&amp;portrait=0" webkitallowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="477" width="720"></iframe>
+[View the Importer demo][] from [Stef Walter][] on [Vimeo][].
+The importer and all the widgets are available for use by other apps in
+the gcr library. So Seahorse has the same interface:
+![Seahorse importer](images/seahorse-importer.png)
+As you might note, I've been reworking the Seahorse user interface, more
+about that coming soon...
+ [gnome-keyring git master]:
+ [p11-kit 0.7]:
+ [OpenSC configured]:
+ [NSS configured]:
+ [OpenSC patch]:
+ [Feitan 310 or 301]:
+ [needs to be initialized]:
+ [Gooze gives away free smart cards]:
+ [View the Importer demo]:
+ [Stef Walter]:
+ [Vimeo]:
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+Title: Introducing libgck: A PKCS#11 GObject wrapper
+Date: 2010-10-04
+Tags: technical, security, gnome
+Slug: introducing-libgck-pkcs11-gobject
+In gnome-keyring we use [PKCS#11][] for the storage of keys and
+certificates. PKCS#11 is standard sort of a plugin API that allows
+drivers or software to provide key storage and crypto algorithms to an
+libgck is a GObject wrapper of PKCS#11. Still pretty low level but
+makes PKCS#11 easier to use from GNOME or GTK+ apps. libgck is used
+extensively in gnome-keyring and seahorse.
+- GCK stands for "**G**object **C**rypto**K**i".
+- Currently lives in the gnome-keyring git module, but could be split
+ into its own module in the future.
+- Replaces libgp11 with many lessons learned and a cleaner API.
+Besides the mundane expected key and certificate storage functionality
+and crypto mechanisms. There's support for stuff like [PKCS#11 URIs][]
+used to identify keys or certificates residing in a certain key storage
+or smart card. Also enumeration and loading of modules from a [common
+system location][].
+All this goodness is in gnome-keyring master or 2.91.0
+ [PKCS#11]:
+ [PKCS#11 URIs]:
+ [common system location]:
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+Title: Introspecting Certificates
+Date: 2011-09-29
+Tags: technical, security, gnome
+Slug: introspecting-certificates
+Today I merged in a contribution from Evan Nemerson for GObject
+introspection support into the Gcr and Gck libraries. I ended up
+tweaking thousands of lines of comments and code,
+[filed][] [some][] [bugs][] and so forth.
+But the end result is you use PKCS\#11 and stuff like the [Gcr
+certificate widgets][], from languages like python and javascript
+(although not your browser). For example this:
+ :::javascript
+ const Gck =;
+ const Gcr =;
+ const Gtk =;
+ /* TODO: From pkcs11.h */
+ const CKA_CLASS = 0;
+ const CKO_CERTIFICATE = 1;
+ const CKA_VALUE = 17;
+ const URI = "pkcs11:object-type=cert";
+ Gtk.init(null, null);
+ var dialog = new Gtk.Dialog();
+ var viewer = new Gcr.ViewerWidget();
+ dialog.get_content_area().pack_start(viewer, true, true, 0);
+ var modules = Gck.modules_initialize_registered(null);
+ var objects = Gck.modules_objects_for_uri(modules, URI, Gck.SessionOptions.READ_ONLY);
+ objects.forEach(function(object) {
+ viewer.load_data(null, object.get_data(CKA_VALUE, null));
+ });
+... will pop up a window show up with every certificate on every smart
+card and key storage [you have configured][]. All of this goodness is in
+[gnome-keyring git master][].
+ [filed]:
+ [some]:
+ [bugs]:
+ [Gcr certificate widgets]:
+ [you have configured]:
+ [gnome-keyring git master]:
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+Title: Kerberos and Active Directory Logins
+Date: 2012-06-15
+Tags: technical, security, gnome
+Slug: kerberos-and-active-directory-logins
+Ray and I and some others have been working on making it easy to use
+Kerberos single sign on with GNOME 3.6. The feature itself isn't super
+revolutionary. You sign in with your realm login (eg: your Active
+Directory user name and password) and then you can go on and use other
+services with that same kerberos sign in.
+You could already do this, but setting it up was hard ... and setting it
+up so it couldn't be trivially hacked was even harder. If you just use
+pam_krb5 without 'enrolling' your machine an attacker can log in as
+anyone (woooooo). ... and keeping it running without breaking down on
+you was even harder than that, especially for mobile environments.
+So I've been working a lot on making this easy to setup; auto
+discovering the domain/realm, its settings and as much information as
+possible. Last week [some user visible][] changes [landed into
+gnome-control-center][] so here are some screenies.
+You'll notice the new *Enterprise Login* mode of the *Add account*
+![Add account](images/1-add-account.png)
+It lets you add users from an Active Directory domain or [FreeIPA][]
+(soon) realm, and perhaps others in the future.  Any domains we already
+know about are in the drop down. If this is the first time you're using
+the feature, we try and automatically discover the domain from your DHCP
+DNS domain name. We automatically discover what kind of realm/domain
+we're dealing with, all the other settings, and whether it's valid or
+Login details for the user are typed in, and then we bonk the *Add*
+![Enterprise login](images/2-enterprise-login.png)
+We try to be intelligent about validation and give good feedback:
+![Validate domain](images/3-validate-domain.png)
+![Validate login](images/4-validate-login.png)
+![Validate password](images/5-validate-password.png)
+If the domain requires administrative credentials to enroll the local
+machine, then we prompt for those. Active Directory on Windows 2003 and
+later [don't require admin creds by default][]. FreeIPA does.
+And voila, the user is added. Only the users specifically added should
+be able to log in; there's actually a bit of work to do on that, but
+that's the plan. If an admin wants to enable any domain user to log in
+on the machine, then they can enroll the machine using the command line
+or admin tools. Both are supported, just not both in
+Here I added two users, Fry and Leela. Not sure why one of them showed
+up with their full name and the other not. Something to fix...
+![Added accounts](images/7-added-accounts.png)
+Under the hood a the enrollment in realms is managed by a small DBus
+on-demand system service called [realmd][]. realmd can also be driven
+using command line tools, which expose additional options.
+It was important to me to make sure that the diagnostics are clear. So
+many of these tools throw up cryptic error messages without anywhere to
+go to figure out 'Why?'. So we try hard to have user visible error
+messages, and then very clear diagnostic output on the console when
+performing these operations, that looks like:
+ :::text
+ * Looking up our DHCP domain
+ * Searching for kerberos SRV records for domain:
+ * Searching for sub zone on domain:
+ *
+ * Found AD style DNS records on domain
+ * Successfully discovered realm: AD.THEWALTER.LAN
+Hmmm, what else ... Ray's been working on other parts of this: fixing
+the user accounts panel so it makes sense for non-local users. And
+making sure that the Kerberos tickets we get at login are correctly
+renewed and reauthenticated.
+### SSSD
+These guys. Props to the SSSD guys. They've been working hard to make
+that daemon the perfect client for Kerberos/IPA/AD. It's a modern clean
+implementation, and makes stuff like using your domain login when not
+attached to the domain really reliable and easy.
+### No mo' NTP Time Syncing
+I've been running around the kerberos stack trying to fix issues that
+cause configuration problems, fragility or just plain nastiness. For
+For decades now kerberos implementations have pretty much required you
+to sync your time up with the kerberos server. It makes you roll your
+eyes that a security protocol relies so much on time for security, when
+the syncing of that time is almost always insecure. But oh well.
+Anyway, for the good news. 15 years ago [these guys figured out][] how
+to do kerberos without time syncing. And bit by bit their ideas have
+made it into kerberos implementations, but nobody new about it because
+the there were tons of fiddly bits that made assumptions about time
+syncing. I did a few last patches to sort out some issues, which have
+been accepted by MIT Kerberos.
+Anyway, that was long enough, there's lots more, but it's starting to
+get boring ...
+Lots of patches are being merged as we speak, but if you want to test
+this stuff out right now, ping me on IRC \#gnome-os on gimpnet, and I'll
+help you get started.
+ [some user visible]:
+ [landed into gnome-control-center]:
+ []:
+ [FreeIPA]:
+ [1]:
+ [2]:
+ [3]:
+ [4]:
+ [don't require admin creds by default]:
+ [5]:
+ [6]:
+ [realmd]:
+ [these guys figured out]:
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+Title: More secure with less "security"
+Date: 2013-08-16 16:23
+Tags: technical, security, gnome
+Slug: more-secure-with-less-security
+At GUADEC in Brno, I gave a talk about usability and security prompts.
+The [video and slides is now online][]. I'm really impressed with how
+fast the videos became available this time around.
+ [video and slides is now online]:
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+Title: My Talk: Usable Crypto on GNOME
+Date: 2010-07-30
+Tags: technical, security, gnome
+Slug: my-talk-usable-crypto-on-gnome
+I gave a talk on Wednesday about using a common certificate and key
+store across the desktop and using common widgets for crypto bits.
+Sadly the talk was at the same time as a big release team
+announcement/talk. Notwithstanding more people came than I expected.
+The [slides are here][].
+Discussing this topic with people has resulted in lots of cool
+developments and ideas. More to come.
+ [slides are here]:
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+Title: Part of Postgresql 9.0...
+Date: 2010-05-07
+Tags: technical
+Slug: part-of-postgresql-90
+contributed to another open source project, Postgresql. My first
+contribution [made it into version 9.0][].</span>
+worked on the ```samenet``` and
+based access control feature, which lets you grant database access to
+hosts on the physical subnets that the postgresql server is attached
+Previously many postgresql
+deployments for clients used to have
+because more limited access controls were too brittle and would
+inevitably fall over when the client renumbered their network.
+ [made it into version 9.0]:
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+Title: Redesigning the Seahorse Experience
+Date: 2011-10-17
+Tags: technical, security, gnome
+Slug: redesigning-seahorse-experience
+As part of the work on getting smart cards into Seahorse, there's some
+design work that needs to be done to make the new functionality usable.
+In particular, the overarching design goal is that Seahorse isn't a tool
+we expect users to "learn". Actions should follow mostly from the
+passwords and keys that have been accumulated.
+So I've been working on the experience a bit. Some concepts:
+- When most user's arrive, they should see their personal passwords,
+ and keys or certificates if they have any listed. In this mode we
+ combine items from all the various places these things are stored.
+- The user sees a certificate regardless of it's on a smart card,
+ Gnome Keyring, or in NSS's store.
+- Each item should have an icon, and text describing what it is.
+- By default only 'personal' passwords and keys are shown. Those
+ belonging to the user. So things like Trusted Root CA's don't litter
+ the combined listing. This is easily changed on the 'View' menu.
+- The list is easily filterable by typing in the box.
+- We make sure to unlock the default password keyring when seahorse is
+ started. Normally it's unlocked already, but just in case.
+A screenshot (the toolbar needs some work): 
+![Seahorse combined view](images/seahorse-combined-view.png)
+So the experience starts off really straight forward, no need to clutter
+things with where these items are coming from. If the user has a smart
+card inserted, the certificates and keys on the smart card will also
+show up there.
+In order to see and manage stuff related to where the keys come from,
+the user chooses 'View | Places' from the menu. A sidebar appears, which
+supports the following concepts:
+- Click on a place to view items from a that 'place'.
+- See which keyrings exist, delete, change master passwords etc.
+- See smart cards that are inserted.
+A screenshot (the places need some tweaking):
+![Screenshot with places](images/screenshot-with-places2.png)
+Something I've also been playing with is an easy to use multiple
+selection. For example I'd like the user to be able to select multiple
+places (let's say all the password keyrings), and see their items
+I wanted to do something where check boxes are shown to the right of
+each 'place' when the Alt-key is depressed. The user then would click
+those checkboxes to select multiple places, and show their items
+together. Once one box is checked, all check boxes remain visible. This
+fits in with the concept of showing keyboard mnemonics when Alt is
+pressed, and also GNOME seems to be using a
+show-advanced-shortcuts-on-Alt-key concept here and there, and I thought
+this would fit nicely. However, sadly the window manager grabs the mouse
+when Alt is held down, for the purpose of full window drags, so I had to
+think of something else.
+What I came up with was that a check box is shown next to a place when
+that place is selected and focused. If the user clicks that check box,
+then all the check boxes next to the other places become visible, and
+more than one can be selected. As long as one is checked, all the check
+boxes are visible. Works well enough, and should work with touch devices
+as a bonus. But I'm not as satisfied as I would have been with the Alt
+Of course this is an advanced feature, and not necessarily something
+that needs to be super 'beautiful' but none the less it was interesting
+to try out these alternatives.
+There's lots more [design][] [work][] that needs to be done. For
+example, I'd also like to integrate the new control center style
+'Unlock' button in a way that makes sense. It gets complicated because
+there's more than one thing to unlock (ie: smart cards, password
+keyrings, etc.)
+Most of this is done in such a way that the pieces can be reused
+elsewhere in other apps as well. Available right now in the seahorse
+[refactor branch][] and depends on an up to date [build of the Gcr
+library][]. Hopefully I'll be merging this into seahorse master soon.
+Oh, and thanks to [NLnet][] for sponsoring [Collabora][] to work on the
+Seahorse smart card support.
+ []:
+ [1]:
+ [design]:
+ [work]:
+ [refactor branch]:
+ [build of the Gcr library]:
+ [NLnet]:
+ [Collabora]:
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+Title: Smart card icons
+Date: 2011-09-23
+Tags: technical, security, gnome
+Slug: smart-card-icons
+I've been working on smart card integration into Seahorse, and as part
+of that [we need icons for smart cards][]. I had fun putting together
+something today:
+![Smart card icons](images/gcr-smart-card.png)
+Obviously not perfect, but I'm happy with the result. The tools and info
+in gnome-icon-theme are really nice.
+At some point when the illustrious icon designers get a chance, it'd be
+cool to have a smart card icon in gnome-icon-theme. I imagine they'd
+want to fix it up or replace it. But for now this will live in the gcr
+[NLnet][] is sponsoring my employer [Collabora][] to work on basic smart
+card viewing and simple management in Seahorse. Shortly I'll be posting
+more goodies coming related to this, including stuff that fixes up
+Seahorse for casual users as well.
+ [we need icons for smart cards]:
+ []:
+ [NLnet]:
+ [Collabora]:
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+Title: Talk at GUADEC on Integration of Certificate and Key Storage
+Date: 2010-05-14
+Tags: technical, security, gnome
+Slug: talk-at-guadec-on-integration-on
+I'll be attending GUADEC for the first time. Not only that but I'll be
+giving a talk. I'm a bit nervous, but excited!
+The talk is about integrating various
+applications using keys and certificates to use a common key
+Currently each application puts their
+certificates and private keys in distinct locations, which make it hard
+for the user, but also for application developers, since new
+applications integrating crypto need to work out a whole raft of things
+such as secure key storage.
+- Currently when you need to use a
+ certificate with network-manager and a wireless connection, you have
+ to specify three files in a fragile formats.
+- When using certificates with
+ evolution or firefox or thunderbird each application stores them in
+ their own key storage.
+- SSH Keys (which are in fact the same
+ sort as the above) are stored in `~/.ssh`
+It's a little bit like each application
+not sharing a filesystem, but having their own part of the disk to write
+their documents to. With GPG we have all applications sharing the same
+keyring (per-user obviously), but so far this hasn't been the case with
+X.509 certificates and keys.
+Because of the development in
+gnome-keyring around a standard called PKCS\#11 it's now possible to
+integrate the key storage between applications, and in our talk we'll
+discuss how to do this in a secure, transparent and configurable
+This also means it'll be easier for
+applications to gain support for keys, and to have smart card related
+features and other stuff like that in the future.</span>
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+Title: The security devroom at FOSDEM
+Date: 2011-02-13
+Tags: technical, security, gnome
+Slug: security-devroom-at-fosdem
+Went to FOSDEM last weekend. It was a cool and crazy conference: packed
+rooms, great talks, good friends, much beer. I enjoyed finally meeting
+the [Collabora][] guys I'm now working with.
+I hung out in the absolutely packed security devroom the first day,
+superbly [organized by Martin Paljak from OpenSC][]. Lots of interesting
+and insightful talks, and met people that I'd previously only interacted
+with online.
+Nikos and I both gave talks about using PKCS\#11 as glue to give a
+better crypto user experience no matter which crypto library an
+application uses. There was a lot of great discussion, ideas and
+participation. I'm looking forward to working more folks on this stuff.
+![PKCS#11 Glue](images/p11-glue.jpg)
+[My talk][] discussed [research into trust assertions][], and a new
+project called p11-kit. Video [here][].
+Part of my work at Collabora has been to make certificates and crypto on
+the desktop just work. Stay tuned!
+ [Collabora]:
+ [organized by Martin Paljak from OpenSC]:
+ [My talk]:
+ [research into trust assertions]:
+ [here]:
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+Title: These aren't the benchmarks you're looking for
+Date: 2010-10-19
+Tags: technical, gnome
+Slug: this-arent-benchmarks-youre-looking-for
+I was evaluating use of [GObject][] for small plentiful
+short-lived objects in [libgck][]. I wanted to see how their performance
+compared to custom reference counted structures. Turns out it's not as
+bad as I imagined.
+The speed difference on my system, with a [simple test program][], ended
+up being around a factor of eight. Most of that cost is due to
+`pthread_mutex_lock` and `pthread_mutex_unlock`.
+ :::text
+ $ ./test-gobject-speed
+ struct x 10000000 = 1.091700
+ object x 10000000 = 8.578848
+Note that I didn't use heavy weight stuff like properties or signals in
+my benchmark. But I don't need those for this use case.
+ [GObject]:
+ [libgck]:
+ [simple test program]:
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+Title: Viewer for Certificate and Key files
+Date: 2011-09-01
+Tags: technical, security, gnome
+Slug: viewer-for-certificate-and-key-files
+So a lot of the work I do doesn't have any user interface. The best user
+interface is no user interface, well one that isn't needed. But recently
+I've been working some tools to view the plethora of certificate and key
+formats out there. So I couldn't resist blogging about this, because I
+get to use screenshots, heh.
+The [NLnet Foundation][] has been sponsoring Collabora to do some smart
+card work, and this is part of that. This work is part of the [GCR
+library][], and is merged into gnome-keyring master.
+Here's a certificate viewer showing a certificate:
+![Certificate viewer](images/certificate-viewer.png)
+Details can then be expanded:
+![Certificate viewer](images/certificate-viewer-1.png)
+And here's what a key looks like.
+![Certificate viewer](images/certificate-viewer-2.png)
+When the file is locked (like a PKCS#12 file) it can be unlocked like
+this video shows. It also shows the appalling state of affairs with
+hundreds of certificate authoritities, dubious and otherwise.
+<iframe width="640" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
+In the next release, we'll have an "Import" button in the bottom right
+corner, so that the certificates and keys being viewed can be imported
+and used [into common locations][]. Hopefully we'll also get able to
+view PGP keys in files (before importing them).
+The widgets you see displaying the certificates can be used by any
+application from the GCR library. 
+ [NLnet Foundation]:
+ [GCR library]:
+ [into common locations]:
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+Title: VMWare Player on Fedora 16
+Date: 2011-10-28
+Tags: technical, security
+Slug: vmware-player-on-fedora-16
+I have some VMWare VM's I've been using here and there. I probably
+should convert them to Virtual Box, but I've had a rough time getting
+that working as well.
+So ... every time you upgrade the kernel, VMWare barfs because kernel
+headers have changed. Usually I look around for patches to the VMWare
+sources, but this time there were none I could find, so I figured it was
+my turn.
+[This simple patch][] makes VMWare Player 4.0.0 work with Linux 3.1.0.
+At least it seems to work. What I did to patch it in:
+ :::sh
+ $ mkdir /tmp/vmware
+ $ cd /tmp/vmware
+ $ wget
+ $ tar -xvf /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/vmnet.tar
+ $ patch -p0 < vmnet-4.0.0-linux-3.1.0.patch
+ $ sudo cp /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/vmnet.tar /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/vmnet.tar.bak
+ $ sudo tar -cvf /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/vmnet.tar vmnet-only
+And then run vmplayer and let it do its install thing. It says that the
+services fail to start (systemd incompatibility), but it works
+Note: If you try this and it doesn't work for you (or makes your doggy
+sad), don't complain to me. [Complain to VMWare][].
+ [This simple patch]:
+ [Complain to VMWare]: