AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-09-29Release version 0.2HEADmasterStef Walter
2010-02-14An old outstanding commit, I forgot to commit earlier.Stef Walter
2009-08-28Ignore test directoryStef Walter
2009-07-31A bunch of fixes during testingStef Walter
2009-07-31Switch to using bervals and minimizing memory allocationStef Walter
2009-07-31Basic code structure in placeStef Walter
2009-07-28Ignore built filesStef Walter
2009-07-28Basic build workingStef Walter
2009-07-28Ignore eclipse project filesStef Walter
2009-07-28Some skeleton bits for plugin codeStef Walter
2009-07-28Add skeletonStef Walter
2009-07-28Initial directoryStef Walter