Patch for portmap in a Jail-Centric Environment

When you run portmap on the host system and inside a jail, you get conflicts. This patch fixes that so you can use for example nfs in your host system, and other rpc dependant stuff inside jails.

This patch adds an -s option to portmap which limits it to a single address (which is specified with the -h option). Use it like this:

portmap -h -s

Note this syntax is only needed in the host system, jails are limited to their own IP automatically.



Here's a quick install and patch, which keeps the previous ps binaries, etc... Use psj instead for the patched version.

# cd /usr/src
# patch < /path/to/patch/portmap-j.4.x.patch
# cd usr.sbin/portmap
# make && make install


portmap-j.4.7.patch (for FreeBSD 4.6.2 - 4.7)

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