HTTPAuth: Apache 1.3 module

HttpAuth is a daemon and framework for authenticating HTTP requests. It has a module which allows Apache 1.3.x to authenticate against it. Here's how to install and configure that module.


  1. Download the latest HttpAuth tarball.
  2. Extract and configure HttpAuth:
    # tar -zxvf httpauth-0.x.tar.gz
    # cd httpauth-0.x
    # ./configure
  3. Install the Apache 1.3 module:
    # cd apache1x
    # make install


Use something like this in your config file:

<Location "/auth/">

    AuthType HttpAuth
    HttpAuthSocket /var/run/httpauth.sock
    HttpAuthHandler Handler
    require valid-user

Configuration Directives

HttpAuthSocket: (required) Either a unix socket path or IP address and port where the httpauthd daemon is listening.

HttpAuthHandler: (required) The HttpAuth handler to authenticate against. Handlers are specified in your httpauthd.conf file.

HttpAuthTypes: (default: all) The types of authentication to allow. List one or more of the following separated by spaces:


HttpAuthDigestDomain: (optional) A space separated list of uris which fall under the same Digest authentication domain.

Licensing and Support

BSD license. Contact me when bugs are found.

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