Man Page: httpauthd(5)

httpauthd.conf(5)           BSD File Formats Manual          httpauthd.conf(5)

     httpauthd.conf - the configuration file for httpauthd(8)

     httpauthd(8) reads it's configuration from this file when starting up. It
     contains global settings followed by the various authentication methods
     and their settings.

     The settings are specified one per line. The setting name comes first
     followed by a colon, and the value for that setting. Authentication
     method sections are prefixed with a '[method]' on a line of it's own.

     Lines beginning with a # mark are comments. An example:

           # Sample Configuration File
           AuthTypes: Basic Digest

           Alias: MyAuth
           PasswordFile: /srv/passwd.file

     Methods are the various ways httpauthd can authenticate a user. A method
     will use either LDAP, a file or some other means to determine if a user
     is valid. The methods currently implemented are:

     LDAP    Authenticate against an LDAP server.

     NTLM    Authenticate via NTLM against a Windows Server.

     MYSQL   Authenticate against a MYSQL database

     PGSQL   Authenticate against a PostgreSQL database.

     Simple  Authenticate against a password file. For info on creating this
             file see mkha1(8)

     A method block in the configuration file needs to contain one of the
     above method names as the header for it's section (ie: [LDAP]). It can be
     given another name by specifying an alias for it.

     This allows for the creation of various configurations with purpose spe-
     cific names. These names are used by callers of httpauthd(8) to identify
     how to authenticate a given HTTP connection.

     Aliases are created by putting a colon and a name after the section type,
     like this:


     These options affect httpauthd as a whole. They should be placed before
     the beginning of the first authentication method section. In addition
     certain options can be placed in this section which affect all the
     authentication methods. These are outlined under the METHOD OPTIONS head-
     ing further below.

     Socket  This is where httpauthd listens for connections. It can either be
             a unix type socket by specifying a file path (eg:
             /var/run/ha.sock), a port number (eg: 8030) or a IP address with
             optional port number (eg:  If you specify an
             IP address without a port, 8020 will be used.

             [ Default: /var/run/httpauthd.sock ]

     MaxThreads This equals the amount of authentication connections that
             httpauthd(8) will be able to have open at once.

             [ Default: 32 ]

     These options change settings in how the various methods handle authenti-
     cation.  When they appear after a method section, they only affect that
     method. Most of them can also appear in the inital section of the config-
     uration file in which case they're used as defaults.

     AuthTypes The allowed HTTP authentication types, separated by spaces. Any
             combination of: Basic Digest NTLM

             [ Default: Basic Digest NTLM ]

     CacheMax The maximum amount of successful authentication requests a
             method can cache.

             [ Default: 1024 ]

     CacheTimeout The length of time in seconds that a successful authentica-
             tion remains cached.  How this exactly works depends on the
             method it applies to.

             [ Default: 900 ]

     DigestIgnoreNC When set to True allows the NC value in Digest authentica-
             tion to be incorrect. This opens up various replay attacks.

             [ Default: False ]

     DigestIgnoreURI When set to True allows the URI value in Digest authenti-
             cation to be mismatched with the URI requested. This opens up a
             variety of replay attacks, but may be necessary in some cases.

             [ Default: False ]

     Realm   The realm used in Basic and Digest authentication.

             [ Default: (none) ]

     These are settings for the Simple authentication method. This method
     authenticates against password hashes in a file.

     PasswordFile The path of the file that contains the password hashes. This
             file can be in either the format created by htpasswd(1) or
             htdigest(1) (tools that come with apache). You can also use the
             mkha1(8) tool that comes with httpauth.

             [ Required ]

     Settings for the LDAP authentication method. This method authenticates
     users against an LDAP server.

     LDAPBase The base DN to use in the search for a user. This only applies
             when no LDAPDNMap is specified.

             [ Required when LDAPDNMap is missing ]

     LDAPDNMap Specifies the DN for a user name. The %u and %r flags can be
             used in the DN, which will substitute the user and realm respec-

             [ Optional ]

     LDAPDoBind When performing Basic authentication, httpauthd can try to
             bind to the LDAP server as the user in question. This allows
             authentication even when no access to cleartext passwords is
             available. Note that this does not apply to Digest authentica-

             [ Default: True ]

     LDAPFilter The LDAP filter to use when querying the server. The %u and %r
             flags can be used in the filter, which will substitute the user
             and realm respectively. When used without a LDAPDNMap then this
             is used to identify the LDAP entry for the user. In this case
             care should be taken that the filter only returns one record.

             [ Required when LDAPDNMap is missing ]

     LDAPHA1Attr A HA1 is a special kind of digest containing the user name,
             realm and password. This can be used in place of cleartext pass-
             words when doing Digest authentication. This setting specifies
             the attribute on the LDAP server that the hash can be found in.
             Use the mkha1(8) tool for creating HA1 hashes.

             httpauthd(8) can perform both Basic and Digest authentication
             against this attribute.  Note that the realm however is stored in
             the hash and must match the realm being sent to the client in the
             Realm setting.

             [ Optional ]

     LDAPMax The maximum amount of connections to make to the LDAP server.

             [ Default: 10 ]

     LDAPPasswsord The password to use with LDAPUser

             [ Optional ]

     LDAPPwAttr The name of the attribute on the LDAP server that contains the
             user's password. This can be for Basic authentication (when
             LDAPDoBind is off) or Digest authentication. When used with
             Digest Auth (and no LDAPHA1Attr is specified) it needs to contain
             a cleartext password.

             [ Default: userPassword ]

     LDAPScope When searching the LDAP for a user (ie: LDAPDNMap is not speci-
             fied) this is the scope for the search. Specify one of the fol-
             lowing: sub base one

             [ Default: sub ]

     LDAPServers The host names or IP addresses of the LDAP servers to authen-
             ticate against.  Separated by spaces. More than one can be speci-
             fied for failover capability.

             [ Required ]

     LDAPTimeout The timeout for searches on the LDAP server (in seconds).

             [ Default: 30 ]

     LDAPUser When specified httpauthd will bind as this user after connecting
             to the LDAP server. This is useful in the case where anonymous
             users can't perform LDAP searches, for example.

             [ Optional ]

     Settings for the NTLM authentication method. This method authenticates
     users against NT domain server.

     NTLMBackup The backup domain server to authenticate against. Used when
             NTLMServer is not available.

             [ Optional ]

     NTLMDomain The domain which contains the users that will be authenti-
             cated. This is the NT domain, not the DNS domain.

             [ Required ]

     NTLMServer The domain server to authenticate against. You should specify
             a name here not an IP address.

             [ Required ]

     PendingMax The maximum amount of halfway authenticated NTLM connections
             allowed.  This corresponds directly to the amount of concurrent
             connections made to NTLMServer

             [ Default: 16 ]

     PendingTimeout The maximum time a halfway authenticated NTLM connection
             is allowed to remain that way (in seconds).

             [ Default: 20 ]

     Here are the options for the MYSQL and PGSQL handlers.

     DBDatabase The database on the DB server to connect to.

             [ Required ]

     DBHA1Column The name of the column in DBQuery that contains the HA1 for
             the user. A HA1 is a special kind of digest containing the user
             name, realm and password.  This can be used in place of cleartext
             passwords when doing Digest authentication. Use the mkha1(8) tool
             for creating HA1 hashes.

             [ Optional ]

     DBMax   The maximum number of connections to make to the database server.

             [ Default: 10 ]

     DBPassword The password for the DBUser option.

             [ Optional ]

     DBPort  When connecting to the server via TCP this option specifies the
             port to connect on.

             [ Default: DB server's default port ]

     DBPWColumn The name of the column in DBQuery that contains the password.

             [ Default: First Column ]

     DBPWType The type of password stored in the database. The options are:
             clear crypt md5 sha1

             [ Default: clear ]

     DBQuery The query to execute when authenticating a user. The %u and %r
             flags can be used in the query, which will substitute the user
             and realm respectively. This should be a 'SELECT' type query or a
             query that returns data.

             [ Required ]

     DBServer The address to connect to the database at. It can either be a IP
             address, host name, or unix type socket. If this option is not
             specified then the default connection (see MYSQL or PGSQL docs)
             will be used.

             [ Optional ]

     DBTimeout Time in seconds to wait for a connection to the DB server.

             [ Default: 30 ]

     DBUser  The user to connect to the database as.

             [ Default: DB's default user ]


     Stef Walter <>

httpauth                         May 10, 2006                         httpauth
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