rtfx: Output Formats
First of all documentation for the output format can be found in full
XML schema form. The output format has two slight
variations. One majors on structure, and the other adds certain additional
presentation and formatting features.
Presentation Format Additions
- List types like disc and upper-roman.
- References (to footnotes for example) are written out in full form,
rather than just using the <ref> tag.
- Support for the <font> tag (along with color and size).
- Paragraph alignment.
- Default fonts, font sizes, colors
Format Compatibility: 0.9.3 and later
- Uses a namespace now: http://memberwebs.com/ns/rtfx/
- Auto-numbering only in presentation mode.
- Proper boolean values (ie: true) used where appropriate.
Format Compatibility: 0.9.6 and later
- Added <link> tag for hyperlinks.
- Added <span> tag for character styles.
- Added <highlight> tag for highlighting.
- Added 'align' attribute to <para> for paragraph alignment (presentation mode).