path: root/Shutdown/BatchFileCmpt.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Shutdown/BatchFileCmpt.cpp')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Shutdown/BatchFileCmpt.cpp b/Shutdown/BatchFileCmpt.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2823b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Shutdown/BatchFileCmpt.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+// BatchFileCmpt.cpp: implementation of the CBatchFileCmpt class.
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "BatchFileCmpt.h"
+#include "..\Common\Defines.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+#include <appmisc.h>
+// Construction/Destruction
+ m_sName = _T("Finalize Shutdown");
+ m_bBatchFile = false;
+ if(m_bBatchFile)
+ CallBatchFile();
+// Calls the two helper functions below to create the batchfile
+// and then run it
+HRESULT CBatchFileCmpt::DoShutdown(DWORD dwMode, HWND hWndParent)
+ // Create the batch file
+ HRESULT hr = MakeBatchFile();
+ if(g_site.m_log.HasErrors())
+ g_site.m_log.WaitLog();
+ // Calls the batch file from destructor
+ m_bBatchFile = SUCCEEDED(hr) && (hr != S_FALSE) &&
+ (!g_site.m_dlgItems.IsCancelled());
+ return hr;
+// Creates (or modifies) the Batchfile DosMode.bat in Program Folder
+HRESULT CBatchFileCmpt::MakeBatchFile()
+ // Get Batch File Name
+ string sFileName;
+ sFileName.load_string(IDS_BATCHFILENAME);
+ sFileName = GetProgramFolder(_Module.m_hInst) + sFileName;
+ // Get DOS Component Strings
+ string sMainBatch, sTemp;
+ sTemp.load_string(IDS_STARTSECTION);
+ sMainBatch += sTemp;
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ int nDOSComponents = 0;
+ for(int nCnt = 0; nCnt < g_aComponents.size(); nCnt++)
+ {
+ if(g_aComponents[nCnt]->GetType() == COMPONENT_DOS)
+ {
+ if(g_aComponents[nCnt]->IsEnabled())
+ {
+ sTemp.resize(0);
+ hr = g_aComponents[nCnt]->GetBatchText(sTemp);
+ if(SUCCEEDED(hr))
+ {
+ sMainBatch += sTemp + "\r\n";
+ nDOSComponents++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If there's no DOS Components then don't do a shutdown
+ if(!nDOSComponents)
+ if(!_Module.m_settings.GetInt(FORCE_SHUTDOWN_KEY, false) ? true : false)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ sTemp.load_string(IDS_ENDSECTION);
+ sMainBatch += sTemp;
+ // Get any additions to the batch file;
+ string sPreText;
+ string sPostText;
+ hr = GetCurBatchFile(sFileName, sPreText, sPostText);
+ if(FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ HANDLE fileMSModeBatch;
+ // Open the File for Writing
+ // This time we truncate the file
+ // if it isn't already there then create it
+ if((fileMSModeBatch = CreateFile(sFileName, GENERIC_WRITE,
+ return ReportLastError(_T("Couldn't write to the the batch file\n\n"));
+ // Write All the differnet sections to the file
+ DWORD dwWritten = 0;
+ WriteFile(fileMSModeBatch, sPreText, sPreText.size(), &dwWritten, NULL);
+ WriteFile(fileMSModeBatch, sMainBatch, sMainBatch.size(), &dwWritten, NULL);
+ WriteFile(fileMSModeBatch, sPostText, sPostText.size(), &dwWritten, NULL);
+ CloseHandle(fileMSModeBatch);
+ return (nDOSComponents > 0) ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
+HRESULT CBatchFileCmpt::GetCurBatchFile(const string& sFileName, string& sPreText, string& sPostText)
+ // Now read in the file
+ HANDLE fileMSModeBatch;
+ // Open the file
+ // if it isn't already there then create it
+ if((fileMSModeBatch = CreateFile(sFileName, GENERIC_READ,
+ return ReportLastError(_T("Couldn't open the batch file\n\n"));
+ // Load all our tags and search text
+ string sStartSearchText; sStartSearchText.load_string(IDS_STARTSEARHTEXT);
+ string sEndSearchText; sEndSearchText.load_string(IDS_ENDSEARCHTEXT);
+ string sOriginal;
+ string::size_type nStartPos = string::npos;
+ string::size_type nEndPos = string::npos;
+ // Only continue reading if there's something
+ if(GetFileSize(fileMSModeBatch, NULL))
+ {
+ // Read Entire file in
+ DWORD dwToRead = 1024;
+ DWORD dwRead = 1024;
+ do
+ {
+ dwToRead += dwToRead;
+ dwRead += dwRead;
+ SetFilePointer(fileMSModeBatch, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
+ if(!ReadFile(fileMSModeBatch, sOriginal.get_buffer(dwToRead), dwToRead, &dwRead, NULL))
+ {
+ HRESULT hr = ReportLastError(_T("Couldn't read from the batch file\n\n"));
+ CloseHandle(fileMSModeBatch);
+ return hr;
+ }
+ sOriginal.release_buffer();
+ sOriginal.resize(dwRead);
+ }
+ while(dwRead == dwToRead);
+ // Get the beginning of the insert
+ nStartPos = sOriginal.find(sStartSearchText);
+ // Get the beginning of the line
+ if(nStartPos != string::npos)
+ nStartPos = sOriginal.rfind(_T("\r\n"), nStartPos);
+ // We found the beginning of the line skip the \r\n
+ if(nStartPos != string::npos)
+ nStartPos += 2;
+ // Otherwise just start from the top of the file
+ else
+ nStartPos = 0;
+ // Get the Prefix Text
+ sPreText = sOriginal.substr(0, nStartPos);
+ // Get the End of the Insert
+ nEndPos = sOriginal.find(sEndSearchText, nStartPos);
+ // Try to find the next line
+ if(nEndPos != string::npos)
+ nEndPos = sOriginal.find(_T("\r\n"), nEndPos);
+ // Skip over that carriage return
+ if(nEndPos != string::npos)
+ nEndPos += 2;
+ // If we found anything then retrieve Suffix Text
+ if(nEndPos != string::npos)
+ sPostText = sOriginal.substr(nEndPos, string::npos);
+ }
+ // Now that we've read everything in close the file
+ CloseHandle(fileMSModeBatch);
+ return S_OK;
+// Runs the Batchfile Created
+HRESULT CBatchFileCmpt::CallBatchFile()
+ string sFileName;
+ // Only go into DOS Mode if Windows 9x
+ // The different PIFs take care of that
+ if(::GetPlatform() == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
+ sFileName.load_string(IDS_BATCHFILEPIF_NT);
+ else
+ sFileName.load_string(IDS_BATCHFILEPIF);
+ // Make Batchfile Name
+ string sTemp;
+ string sFileDir = GetProgramFolder(_Module.m_hInst);
+ sFileName = sFileDir + sFileName;
+#ifndef _DEBUG
+ // Run the batchfile (PIF)
+ if(ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), sFileName, NULL, sFileDir, SW_SHOWNORMAL) <= (HINSTANCE)32)
+ ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("Couldn't start MS-DOS mode batch file."), _T("Secure Shutdown"), MB_ICONSTOP);
+#endif // _DEBUG
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT CBatchFileCmpt::ReportLastError(string sMessage)
+ HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError());
+ sMessage += FormatHR(hr);
+ MessageBox(NULL, sMessage, _T("Secure Shutdown"), MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK);
+ return hr;