path: root/TtfInfo Client/FontInfo.frm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'TtfInfo Client/FontInfo.frm')
-rw-r--r--TtfInfo Client/FontInfo.frm321
1 files changed, 321 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TtfInfo Client/FontInfo.frm b/TtfInfo Client/FontInfo.frm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a788f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TtfInfo Client/FontInfo.frm
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.1#0"; "COMDLG32.OCX"
+Begin VB.Form frmFontInfo
+ BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single
+ Caption = "FontInfo"
+ ClientHeight = 5490
+ ClientLeft = 45
+ ClientTop = 330
+ ClientWidth = 7620
+ LinkTopic = "Form1"
+ MaxButton = 0 'False
+ ScaleHeight = 5490
+ ScaleWidth = 7620
+ StartUpPosition = 3 'Windows Default
+ Begin VB.CommandButton cmdView
+ Caption = "View..."
+ Height = 375
+ Left = 6240
+ TabIndex = 11
+ Top = 720
+ Width = 1215
+ End
+ Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUninstall
+ Caption = "Uninstall"
+ Height = 375
+ Left = 6240
+ TabIndex = 10
+ Top = 1920
+ Width = 1215
+ End
+ Begin VB.CommandButton cmdInstall
+ Caption = "Install"
+ Height = 375
+ Left = 6240
+ TabIndex = 9
+ Top = 1320
+ Width = 1215
+ End
+ Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog cdlFont
+ Left = 6960
+ Top = 2520
+ _ExtentX = 847
+ _ExtentY = 847
+ _Version = 327680
+ CancelError = -1 'True
+ DefaultExt = "*.ttf"
+ DialogTitle = "Choose A Font"
+ Filter = "TrueType Fonts (*.ttf) | *.ttf"
+ InitDir = "C:\"
+ End
+ Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSelect
+ Caption = "Select..."
+ Height = 375
+ Left = 6240
+ TabIndex = 0
+ Top = 120
+ Width = 1215
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label Label8
+ AutoSize = -1 'True
+ Caption = "Copyright:"
+ Height = 195
+ Left = 240
+ TabIndex = 19
+ Top = 4440
+ Width = 705
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label Label7
+ AutoSize = -1 'True
+ Caption = "Version:"
+ Height = 195
+ Left = 240
+ TabIndex = 18
+ Top = 600
+ Width = 570
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label Label6
+ AutoSize = -1 'True
+ Caption = "Trademark:"
+ Height = 195
+ Left = 240
+ TabIndex = 17
+ Top = 3600
+ Width = 810
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label Label5
+ AutoSize = -1 'True
+ Caption = "Postscript Name:"
+ Height = 195
+ Left = 240
+ TabIndex = 16
+ Top = 3120
+ Width = 1200
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label Label4
+ AutoSize = -1 'True
+ Caption = "ID:"
+ Height = 195
+ Left = 240
+ TabIndex = 15
+ Top = 2640
+ Width = 210
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label Label3
+ AutoSize = -1 'True
+ Caption = "Subfamily:"
+ Height = 195
+ Left = 240
+ TabIndex = 14
+ Top = 2160
+ Width = 720
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label Label2
+ AutoSize = -1 'True
+ Caption = "Family:"
+ Height = 195
+ Left = 240
+ TabIndex = 13
+ Top = 1680
+ Width = 480
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label Label1
+ AutoSize = -1 'True
+ Caption = "Name:"
+ Height = 195
+ Left = 240
+ TabIndex = 12
+ Top = 120
+ Width = 465
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label lblVersion
+ BackColor = &H80000005&
+ Caption = "lblVersion"
+ ForeColor = &H80000008&
+ Height = 915
+ Left = 1560
+ TabIndex = 8
+ Top = 600
+ Width = 4455
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label lblTrademark
+ BackColor = &H80000005&
+ Caption = "lblTrademark"
+ ForeColor = &H80000008&
+ Height = 615
+ Left = 1560
+ TabIndex = 7
+ Top = 3600
+ Width = 4455
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label lblSubfamily
+ BackColor = &H80000005&
+ Caption = "lblSubfamily"
+ ForeColor = &H80000008&
+ Height = 255
+ Left = 1560
+ TabIndex = 6
+ Top = 2160
+ Width = 4455
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label lblPostscriptName
+ BackColor = &H80000005&
+ Caption = "lblPostscriptName"
+ ForeColor = &H80000008&
+ Height = 255
+ Left = 1560
+ TabIndex = 5
+ Top = 3120
+ Width = 4455
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label lblName
+ BackColor = &H80000005&
+ Caption = "lblName"
+ ForeColor = &H80000008&
+ Height = 255
+ Left = 1560
+ TabIndex = 4
+ Top = 120
+ Width = 4455
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label lblID
+ BackColor = &H80000005&
+ Caption = "lblID"
+ ForeColor = &H80000008&
+ Height = 255
+ Left = 1560
+ TabIndex = 3
+ Top = 2640
+ Width = 4455
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label lblFamily
+ BackColor = &H80000005&
+ Caption = "lblFamily"
+ ForeColor = &H80000008&
+ Height = 255
+ Left = 1560
+ TabIndex = 2
+ Top = 1680
+ Width = 4455
+ End
+ Begin VB.Label lblCopyright
+ BackColor = &H80000005&
+ Caption = "lblCopyright"
+ ForeColor = &H80000008&
+ Height = 915
+ Left = 1560
+ TabIndex = 1
+ Top = 4440
+ Width = 4455
+ End
+Attribute VB_Name = "frmFontInfo"
+Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
+Attribute VB_Creatable = False
+Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
+Attribute VB_Exposed = False
+Option Explicit
+Private f As TtfInfoLib.FontInfo
+Private Sub cmdInstall_Click()
+ On Error GoTo err_Unexpected
+ If f = "" Then
+ MsgBox "Pick a font first"
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ If f.RegisteredFileName <> "" Then
+ MsgBox "A font with this name is already installed" & _
+ vbCrLf & f.RegisteredFileName
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ f.Install True
+ Exit Sub
+ MsgBox Err.Description
+End Sub
+Private Sub cmdSelect_Click()
+ On Error GoTo err_Cancel
+ cdlFont.ShowOpen
+ On Error GoTo err_Create
+ Set f = New TtfInfoLib.FontInfo
+ On Error GoTo err_FileName
+ ' FileName is the default property
+ f = cdlFont.filename
+ On Error GoTo err_Unexpected
+ With f
+ Caption = "FontInfo - " & .filename
+ lblCopyright = .Copyright
+ lblFamily = .Family
+ lblID = .ID
+ lblName = .Name
+ lblPostscriptName = .PostscriptName
+ lblSubfamily = .Subfamily
+ lblTrademark = .Trademark
+ lblVersion = .Version
+ End With
+ Exit Sub
+ MsgBox Err.Description
+ Exit Sub
+End Sub
+Private Sub cmdUninstall_Click()
+ On Error GoTo err_Unexpected
+ If f.RegisteredFileName = "" Then
+ MsgBox "This font is not installed"
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ If f.RegisteredFileName <> f.filename Then
+ MsgBox "The font that you have picked is installed, but a different file has been registered" _
+ & vbCrLf & f.RegisteredFileName
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ f.Uninstall True
+ Exit Sub
+ MsgBox Err.Description
+End Sub
+Private Sub cmdView_Click()
+ On Error GoTo err_Unexpected
+ Dim frm As New frmFontView
+ With frm
+ Set .DisplayFont = f
+ .Show
+ End With
+ Exit Sub
+ MsgBox Err.Description
+End Sub
+Private Sub Form_Load()
+ On Error GoTo err_Unexpected
+ Set f = New TtfInfoLib.FontInfo
+ cdlFont.InitDir = f.GetFontsDirectory()
+ Exit Sub
+ MsgBox Err.Description
+End Sub